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Lights flashed as the most adorable Ashton family got down the car. The paparazzi knew Ashton family was untouchable especially since Eric Ashton assumed the complete charge after James. He hates media and he has clarified that at several instances.

But today was different, the media was invited, unlike any event hosted by Ashton's before.

The event was a highlight also because some murmurs have been heard about David Wellington being back in Rome. Some media houses claim they spotted him in the city, with his son but there were apprehensions all over. But who would want to miss the absence of this heartrobe in the city?

There was also a paper circulating in the media that has some details about the court case going on over the custody of the Wellington baby.

In short, Eric Ashton's birthday party was a hub of breaking news today, and it'd sure help the newshouses to boost the profit of this month.

After a significant numbers of cars came, a black Porsche grabbed everyone's attention. Because there were not many people who liked it black.

As anticipated, out came none other than David, flashing a naughty grin towards the paps. It is after ages he willingly came before them.

"Hey camera people!", He waved his hand coming round the car, and opening the other door.

Like he did, the cameras were too captivated by the beauty that came out of the car to stand beside him.

Hope was known as discreet, but today she did smile gratefully at her plus one who offered her his hand infront of so many cameras.

He smiled back that not really needed any acting. After all, he did find her beautiful.

"Mr. Wellington! Are you here permanently or leaving soon again?"

"David! Are you dating again?"

"David we have heard you married secretly??"

"Hope! David! Are you two dating?"

As the dating questions increased, David put his hand around her waist bringing her nearer if possible, "You can only guess."

He mustered up all the love he had for all the world and then looked at her.

"I think they are buying it.", He whispered.

She nodded, "We are good at it."

To the camera it looked like a secret conversation. A pretty intimate one for that.

"David! What about your son??"

"My son is the most adorable boy on the face of this earth."

Just then, someone among those flashes of lights happened to accidentally look at Hope's left hand that she used to push back her hair strand behind her ear.

"Ms. Ricci! Are you wearing two rings on your ring finger???"

The question caught both off guard. They were so damn observant. Jefferson said this would happen but not before they enter the party.

"Hope..time to run..", he whispered in her ears and carefully escorted her with swift steps out of the prying eyes of media.

Enough show for now.

Their was chaos behind them. But that was what they wanted to create.

Once inside the venue, they took a sigh of relief creating a distance between them. Hope calmed her butterflies who fluttered violently at every touch of him, and looked away to come back to the world.

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