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One may leave their love behind. But if they truly loved, it is never leaving them behind.

H O P E   R I C C I

I walked through the road kicking the stones on my way.

Georgia was her safe haven after she returned from Italy. Heartbroken.

She liked it here. Her mother was newly married then, for the second time. And she didn't share with her what caused her to move back abruptly from another country. The place where her father lived.

Only Harry, her brother knew of what conspired but ofcourse she was careful to not reveal David's identity. She didn't want Harry to hate him.

How different life would have been if she stayed back? She often wondered over that. But a part of her knew life has it's course, and she is just one aspect of it.

Her reverie breaks on hearing her phone ringing in her pocket.

She takes it out to see it a call from Erica. She has not contacted with anybody from Italy since the last two days and a part of her knew Erica would call today out of concern.

"Hey there!", It was a video call.

"Hey there yourself Hope! Did you find some guy there that you totally forgot about us?"

I sighed, "No guy is that lucky yet."

She slapped her head, "Eric is rubbing off badly on you. You are turning cocky."

That made me laugh. I miss her now.

"How are you?"

"I am good. The doctor said that no heavy work and I'll be fine. I have to walk though."

I saw she was moving.

"So you are out on walk. Your husband let you go on your own!?"

She shook her head, "I have this pig here..", she turned the camera a bit bringing me face to face with none other than David.

I was taken aback for a moment. My heart jumping at the sight of him. Oh good lord!

"Hi Hopeless!"

I smiled fidgeting on my place a little, "Hi David. How are you?", I was reminded of his illness suddenly.

"I am good as a ring fighter! You tell me.. fleeing like someone was chasing you!", He snickered.

If only I could tell him. My feelings from years old are chasing me. And I can't run from them for long.

"I just wanted to meet mom and Edward here."

Both of them came in the screen, and I asked.

"How is Oliver?"

"That notorious sperm!", David cursed under his breath while Erica chuckled.

"Guess what Hope! Oliver pooped on his oh-so-expensive Armani suit.", That made me laugh but I was glad there was some kind of interaction between the father and son.

"...while he was wearing it?"

"No! He went to the washroom for the shower and kept his suit on the bed."

"David must know this is the start of his daddy duties."

I see him roll his eyes, "That devil needs potty training."

"Oh hush! He's just one. Though he does this thing only on special occasions.", Erica giggled and I followed.

Eric must be really happy today.

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