Le Fay The Witch of Pendragon

Start from the beginning

Tyrian:me oh I'm the sanest mother fucker around.he pointed to himself

Harmon:you set fire to 12 orphanages in 3 different states.he pointed out

Arthur:you also raped an entire strip club.he said

Lin:you drank an entire gallon of Hawaiian Punch even tho you knew it was mines.she said

Tyrian:oh I'm sorry I just get...bored that's all.he said out loud

To say the least everyone was quite uncomfortable with Tyrian around.

Timeskip brought to you by Le Fay arriving late because she fell asleep.

Still No One POV

After the introduction of Garou's peerage as all of them are all getting to know each other...well almost everyone since Tyrian is a bit too crazy for everyone's liking as he decided to just stay behind and play GTA 5, and of course his favorite character is Trevor.

While they were talking to each other Le Fay had finally arrived as she yawned into her hand as Arthur had groaned since she' was supposed to be here for introductions earlier but she fell asleep before all of them could leave.

Garou:ohh well look who decided to show up at the last second.he commented

Arthur:*eyebrow twitches*I tried waking her up earlier but she wouldn't so I just left her at the place before we came here.he said back to him

Artemis:well she certainly does seem carefree that's for sure.he said out loud

Le Fay:*waves at them*Yoo-hoo sorry I took longer then expected I fell asleep but I came here fast I co-.she stopped once she seen Artemis

She's heard stories about him from Garou and well she's been wanting to meet him ever since as Garou had offered her a spot in his own peerage but ever since her hearing about Artemis and his peerage she wanted to join.

Plus she can't be reliant on her older brother all of her life as she needs to do things on her own and plus both her and Arthur knows she can take care of herself so it's not that bad.

Le Fay:*gasp*no way is that who I think it is.she said to herself

Artemis:*thinks*oh no this isn't good she spotted me.he thought to himself

As she hastily made her way over toward him as she's now face to face as Artemis is 6'2 and Le Fay is 5'2 it's quite the noticeable height difference between the 2 of them as Kuroka is 5'3 and she's the shortest in the peerage.

Le Fay:*excitedly*are you Artemis Lucifer Garou's older twin brother.she asked him

Artemis:*sweat drops*um hey there and yes I am hehe.he replied to her

Le Fay:*squeals*ohh my god it's soo nice to meet you my name is Le Fay Pendragon and I've been-ow.as Arthur had chopped her head

Arthur:take things slow sis I don't think he can understand your fast speech.he told her

Grayfia/Cu:*thinks*well she certainly is a ball of sunshine and definitely a lot better then Tyrian.they both thought to themselves

Le Fay:anyways my name is Le Fay Pendragon and I'm the younger sister of Arthur Pendragon who is my big brother, it is nice to meet you.she introduce herself

All Artemis could do was return the favor and introduce himself along with the other peerage members although he did had to say that another one of his Knight pieces isn't with him since he's at school at the moment, but she'll meet him eventually.

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