They walk me to the doctor's office and a young girl, about my age, was there, she glanced at Carl once and made a grossed-out face. This has to be the girl they were talking about. 

"Enid..." Carl says quietly.

She huffs a harsh chuckle before walking away from him, I'm not so sure I feel comfortable with my boyfr- my close friend's ex-girlfriend doing surgery next to my spine. 

"You can leave, Carl. This is between me and my patient, I'll let someone know to grab you after," Enid tells him. 

Carl huffs and walks out of the room, Enid is silent until he leaves.

"I should have stayed in Hilltop, it really isn't worth it coming back here," Enid says under her breath. 

"What happened to you?" She asks while washing her hands and leading me to a familiar chair where I was recent with a broken ankle.

"Negan, I had a knife and it slipped its sheath and managed to get me deep. Then Negan broke my wrist with his foot," I tell Enid.

She nods, and she motions for me to lift up my shirt, it was stained with blood, guess I'll have to toss this one officially. 

"Oh yeah, pretty deep. It's under your shoulderblade though so honestly, I'm not sure how efficient stitches are gonna be to fix this."

I sigh as Enid helps me completely take my shirt off, "Yeah, I figured. I guess that's what I get for talking back to that shithead."

She chuckles and tells me to lie down on my stomach. "You remind me a lot of Carl, not in a bad way. Word of you has traveled to Hilltop so I already knew who I was working with."

I smile and shake my head, "Can I ask you something?" 

She hums as I feel antiseptic hit my skin, it burns and I inhale a deep breath. 

"What happened between you and Carl?" I ask, I watch her shadow on the wall slightly shake her head. 

"Time, time is what happened. Carl came to Alexandria when he was 16, God that was like 4 years ago...anyways, there were a lot of conflicts. There was this boy named Ron, you may have heard of him. He's the one who shot Carl's eye out. Ron and I had a thing, it was brief but he was the first boy I had seen since this started. Michonne killed Ron, but after that Carl was different. Then people like Cleo came in, she was obsessed with him. But uh, Carl and I were kinda a thing, nothing ever happened but y'know it's awkward."

I could tell she was trailing off as she remembered the bad details. 

"So why'd you leave?" I ask as she pulls tight to a stitch in my back.

"I was asked to, they told me I was a distraction to Carl."

I narrow my eyes at her shadow, who asked her? Was it Cleo, she never tried to make me leave, other than trying to kill me. 

"How long was your knife? Do you know if it went all the way in?" Enid asks, getting back on track with the procedure.

"It's a standard 13-inch but the blade itself is 2 inches. I don't think it went all the way in."

She nods, Enid leaves my side to get a water bottle. She returns back, "This is gonna hurt, a little bit."

She sprays a large amount of the liquid into the gash, it wasn't hydrogen peroxide but something close to that or diluted. I hiss in pain and clench my good wrist. 

I hear the door open behind me, Enid turns towards the door. 

"Oh hey," Enid says nonchalantly before returning back to my wound. 

"How's she doing?" I can hear Michonne say. 

"Hurts like a mother," I murmur, biting back all the swear. 

Michonne joins my side so I can actually see her, suddenly I feel too exposed. I was completely topless laying on my stomach so Enid could work on my back. 

"It's just me and Rosita in here," Michonne tells me after she sees me clench up.

Why is Rosita here, she doesn't like me. I hear someone, presumably Rosita, join Enid in looking at my back. 

"Rosita, can you look at her wrist?" Enid asks while patching up my back with some dressing. 

"Alora, sit up," Michonne motions. I hesitate, I don't like being nude, especially around people who I'm not super close to.

I sat up and instantly covered my bare chest with my good hand. Michonne helps Enid wrap my back and double-wrapped it around the front. Once they were done with that, Enid passed me a new baggy shirt that Michonne or Rosita must have brought. 

They help me put the shirt on and Rosita takes my broken wrist in her hand, it already hurts. 

"I mean...could be worse I guess," She says. 

"Just splint it, cast it for a few months, and if there are any deformities we'll address it then," Rosita says and nods. My wrist looked pretty bad, it didn't look like it was gonna fall off but regardless it did not look super good.

Enid and Rosita put my wrist in a cast and Michonne went to grab Carl. Rosita left with her too so it was just me and Enid. 

"Enid, who asked you to leave?" I ask her while examining my new makeshift cast.

"Rick and Maggie."

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