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Stay for me? Who in the God fucking hell does he think he is? Carl is privileged, he's the type that in school would have been awful to me, when we were young he was weird. He'd avoid me unless Rick forced him to talk to me, I never knew why.

I could hear Carl and Rick talking about me in the living room. I shrug it off, I don't want to hear this. These walls are so thin, I wonder if the walls of my apartment were this thin in Georgia. If my neighbors heard me crying and screaming from the abuse, they didn't do anything, they just turned the TV up.

I hung up some clothes with spare hangers, if I'm gonna be here for a month I'm gonna make it clean. I never liked staying in one place too long, getting too comfortable and familiar. If I'm gonna be here, I want it to be organized and comfortable but easy to run if it needs to happen.

I had a Georgia Bulldogs Baseball jersey that Elowen had given me. It reached midthigh and was my favorite thing I owed. She said an ex-boyfriend got it for her even though she hated baseball. It has her last name on it too, which shows he put a ton of thought into a dumb gift.

Elowen Tate Piper was the smartest, prettiest, and the most prepared person I ever knew. She could predict almost anything, it was her thing, she knew the camp was gonna get overran and when we were gonna find people, whether they were good or not.

I could still hear Rick and Carl talking, and a knock on my door made me jump. It wasn't Rick or Carl, their voices were too far.

It's around 8 pm judging by the lighting outside, lack thereof actually, so it'd be odd for anyone to visit.

I open the door, kinda surprised by who stood there. It was Carl's sister, Judith, she stood there with a book in her hand and a small bag in the other.

"Hey Judith," I say nonchalantly, I don't want to scare her away but I'm not super comfortable around children.

"Hi! Carl and my dad are talking so I wanted to see if you'd color with me, I know you're older and you probably think it's stupid."

I chuckle and shake my head, "I'd love to."

She's young she should be able to enjoy the small things, and she shouldn't be forced to experience such a dark world with no joy.

She sits down on the floor and pulls out a second coloring book that was hidden and the bag she was carrying held pencils and crayons.

"Which book do you want?" She asks, I don't care.

She hands me the one she pulled out of nowhere, I thought it was adorable.

We start coloring, and as to be expected she couldn't stay in the lines much.

I started coloring a yellow paged dog, I had a dog before all this. He was a black shepherd named Shadow, of course. He was old when this started so I can't expect him to have made it almost 12 years.

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