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It was a bumpy ride, I kept my mouth shut. Finally, we pull to a stop, it was a hard one too. So much for my instructions on keeping it easy on my old car.

I'm yanked out of my car and forced to walk. Due to some medical issue I have, I struggle to stand up with my eyes closed or covered in this case, so I was stumbling.

I can see the ground in front of me just not up. A poor makeshift blindfold if we're being entirely honest with ourselves. Noticing the gap allowed me to gain a better step on my balance so I didn't wobble like an intoxicated fool.

"Carl, who the hell is this?" An oddly familiar voice says. Maybe it's the Georgian accent that makes it familiar.

"She's from Georgia, nineteen, had a working car but she's a bit of a bitch."

I pull out of the boy's grip and rip the blindfold off.

"A bitch? You caught me at a roadblock, put a gun to my head, and then stole my car!" I snap. Within a second, I realize the situation I'm in. This is a camp, a real-life one, with alive people, and stable houses. All this luxury but I'm not trusted to experience it.

"What's your name?" The man in front of me asks, he looks so familiar. He had bent down to my level but I know he was not too much taller, maybe around 5'7.

The man has a gruff beard, salted beard, and unruly hair but not in a way that didn't look his age.

"What's yours?" I look him up and down, almost in a taunting way.

"Rick Grimes and you're in my town so you best answer my questions."

"Grimes? Like King County Sherriff department?" I ask, Rick gave me a look. The same one I was giving him, the look of trying to remember. He knows I know him, he knows me too.


"Alora Cosette."

I saw his face physically drop, he looked like he could cry.

"Cosette? All those Domestic Violence calls, you running away, your father."

I nod, that's how I knew him. He was familiar, he had helped me before. He had helped me so many times when no one else would help.

That means that the boy who called me a bitch, put a gun to my head, and threatened to kill me was his son, Carl Grimes. I knew I recognized those stormy blue eyes.

"Alora?!" The boy exclaims.

"Carl. Way to greet me," I roll my eyes.

Carl looked upset like he knew he was in the wrong. He was, right? I know he just wanted my car but at the same time he didn't shoot me, he didn't hurt me even.

When things would get super bad at my own house in the dead of night, Rick would take me to his house and that's where I met Carl.

"You just didn't look like you, I didn't know."

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