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Thank you for reading The Sinner's Head by VEN of VricEN with the help of Ric and Thology.

Cleaned Answers for the Questions.

-THE SINNER'S HEAD was a part of the Mythology Series.

-Daimon and Michael were supposed to be a BL couple for the Pride Month but it will bring a lot of hate since Michael was a part of the Archangels.

-Changelar was a Gumbled letters of Archangel.

-Hreontes will be the next Sinner like his Father.

-Fun fact, Wynne means White; Blessed.

-Hreontes was already dead when he was born. Barbatos was the reason why Gedeon's soul was inside of the Child's Body. since Barbatos is an assistant of Gedeon.

-Fun Fact. ang ginamit na ulo ni Thanatos ay kay Pierro. since he's the avatar of Pride. and Pride is the most dangerous sin.

-Fun Fact.
Feilon Dizon.
Emanuel Evanghelista.
Benson Merzedez.
Perrio Owens.
Devon Nervoza.
Amir Young.
Fun Orlon.

Their surname initial was spelled as DEMONYO.

-Father Thanatos/Thronese was scared not because Benson Caught him but because he killed an innocent guy sa Simbahan.

It was supposed to be Fin Orlon and Amir Young only. Ngunit namali ang calculations niya dahil hindi lumuhod ang lalaki at nasama sa pag pugot ng ulo.

Fin Orlon is too Fat para lumuhod while Amir Young is too lazy to move.


Wynne - Wine.
Thronese - Tro-nis.
Hreontes - ri-yon-tes.
Charaileb - Cha-ray-leb.
Mihacel - Mi-ha-kel.
Arion - Ar-yon.
Perrio - Per-yo.
Hamien - Ham-yen.
Madia - Ma-di-ya.

Thank you for Reading. Love you all Vricier.

May 29, 23/ June 14, 23

THE SINNERS HEADDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora