Episode 1: Invite

Start from the beginning

We all took a seat in the jeep except for me because I couldn't get a seat. Instead I stood and held on to the back of the top of the jeep railing. We all started and they almost fell out and began to put the seatbelts on but I was unfazed. The pink haired girl then pointed the camera at us. "I want you all to say who you are and why you're here." She told us. "I beat this dinosaur VR game, I'm Darius by the way." Darius couldn't continue because the chubby girl with a texan accent spoke. "I can't believe you're Brooklyn. I'm Sammy and my family supplies meat to the park so that's why I'm here." Sammy told her and us. "Hold on, rich and famous. Oh meant to be." Kenji said and wrapped Brooklyn in his arm. She was uncomfortable and i was tired of this kid thinking he gets what he wants. "Hey, let he go. She didn't say you can touch her and she is clearly uncomfortable." I commanded Kenji in a serious tone. Kenji did let go and I heard a voice in the bush. It wouldn't have been english or anything I could have heard if not for a certain experiment that happened and caused my family to face a terrible consequence. "Prey." It spoke out. I then jumped out and rolled across the land and everyone gave me a confused look. "Oh God." The sea sick kid whimpered. "What are you doing?" Darius asked. "Get back in the jeep, Alpha." Dave said. "Is something wrong?" The sea sick kid asked. "No Ben, just stay in the jeep." Roxie told him. I then shushed them all and kneeled. Out came a small green theropod known as Compsognathus. It gave a low chirp at me as I grabbed it. "We are not prey and we are of no threat, you must go home." I talked to it through my mind. It tilted its head and allowed me to put it into a carrier with a soft blanket bedding. The compy scared Kenji though. It leapt at him but it was only a mock charge. We began to drive again to the camp and came across the gates styled like Jurassic Parks, clever. I smiled and the others cheered. "How did you know about that dinosaur?" Brooklyn asked. "I have really good hearing." I lied and she may have caught on but left me off the hook for now. I mentally sighed. No way would they trust me if they found out the truth. I just had that gut feeling. We then arrived at some massive tree houses that were all interconnected by ladders. "This is huge!" Sammy exclaimed. "When we are fully open we plan to have 500 kids and 200 staff." Roxie explained to everyone's shock. "Last one there gets the lowest bunk." The athlete yells and sprints off. Others raced behind her but Darius stayed with the counselors and compy. Brooklyn walked over to me. "So who are you?" She asked. She had no phone with her right now either. "My name is Alpha, cringy name I know, a pleasure to meet you Brooklyn." I tell her. "You too, why were you named Alpha?" She asked. "I don't know, my parents wanted exotic names." I said. In truth it was because I was an unprecedented experiment. I shudder at the past. "You've seen my videos?" She asked. "A few yes." I smiled at her. She smiled back. "So why did you stop Kenji from messing with me?" She asks. "So many questions," I chuckle. "He was violating you and thought he could have whatever he wanted being the entitled rich kid he is." I explained. "Is that the only reason?" She smiled at me. I decided to play along. "Maybe it is." We both laugh and I hear a thudding in the distance. I looked that way and smiled. We went to our bunks and got them set up before Dave and Roxie called us all to go see some dinosaurs crossing. All around us were different dinosaurs. "Triceratops. Ankylosaurus. Apatosaurus." Darius said. "Sinoceratops. Brachiosaurus. Parasaurolophus." I said. "Hey look, brontosaurs." Kenji tried to name a dinosaur. "They don't have those here, common mistakes." Darius told him. "Actually the apatosaurus is the brontosaurs. They made a mistake in the past." I corrected. "You both really know your stuff." Brooklyn told us. We smiled at that before we slid down the zip lines. Ben screamed and the rest of us cheered. As I slid past a brachiosaurus I stroked my hand across the snout and mentally said. "You guys are my favorite." I continued. The Brachio bellowed at me and continued moving along.

Soon night came and I rested under the T.Rex skeleton while also stargazing in darkness. I stood up and stretched. Then the results of the experiment crept out. Feather like quills on my neck and back spikes and then a long reptilian tail. I looked at it and sighed. "Too bad no one can know." I then brought them back in and walked away and then ran into Brooklyn. She jumped back. "Alpha, you scared me." She said catching her breath. "Sorry, what are you doing up?" I asked her. "Couldn't sleep, also following Darius and Kenji. What about you?"She asked. "Stargazing, how about we scare the two." I suggested. "Lets do it." She smiled. We saw the two arguing when Brooklyn played creepy sounds like scraping and deep, echoey, laughter from her phone. The two boys looked around until they ran at them and screamed. They screamed like girls. "What are you doing here?" Darius asked. "We could ask you the same thing?" I said to Darius. "He was sneaking out so I set him straight, I look out for the younger ones." Kenji lied. "Yeah and I can eat 50 ghost peppers and am the savior of the planet." I said sarcastically. "Listen, all my life I have wanted to see dinosaurs and now I finally can and those lights over there have to be for the compy enclosure." Darius says. "Listen kid, you'll be able to see dinosaurs tomorrow, also whatever is in there is not a compy, the cage is too big." I told him. "Let's still check it out. It will be fun." Darius says. "Yeah Alpha, let's do it." Brooklyn says. "Fine, but just to keep you all safe." I say and we left.

We hid behind a jeep and when Kenji blurted out something we covered his mouth. "Lets make it quick." I tell them and we go up and look down. "You were right, this is not a compy cage, it's a raptor one." Darius says to me. I nod and we all look down on the raptors. They could not be seen. Brooklyn pointed her phone down at the cage and one of the raptors jumped up to try and get her and made her drop her phone. I jumped and grabbed the phone and used my tail to bring me back with the phone right as a raptor tried to maul my face. I brushed myself off and looked at them. Darius looked to see how I managed that. Brooklyn hugged me though. I have her phone back. "Thank you." She told me. "No problem." I said. Just then though as we turned back to the cage the same brown raptor with light green stripes jumped and climbed and then pulled Brooklyn back down into the cage and I fell with her. Air hissed out and covered the area in steam. "Alpha! Brooklyn! We are going to get help." Darius said and ran off to get help. We were met by the force of all four raptors as a pack. I stood in front of Brooklyn. "Alpha, I'm scared." She whimpered. "Don't let them know that." I said as I stomped at them. "Don't come any closer." I mentally snarled at them. They communicated with each other. "Why should we not eat you?" The pack leader asked us. I then gave off a scent that was of a defiant apex predator. They looked around in a panic before staring at me. "A trick." A light green raptor with dark green stripes said. I then growled and they all stepped back as this was a growl that meant back up and leave or die. Lights then blared down at us and the raptors went for some meat instead. Dave pulled us out and began to vomit. "Thank you both and thank you Darius." I said and nodded. "What happened?" Roxie asked. "Me and Kenji snuck out and Brooklyn and Alpha came to watch us and keep us safe until a raptor pulled them down." Darius said. He took the fall for us. "We will discuss this back at camp. You two get some sleep." Roxie said, frustrated. We walked off to the camp. "Thanks for protecting me, even if it meant you would have died." Brooklyn thanked me. "When I said i would protect you, I meant it." I told her. I noticed she was gripping my arm tightly. "You must have gotten tons of views." I said to her. "I'm not so sure, people said I made Jurassic World boring, I'm losing followers." Brooklyn said and looked down. "Your fans aren't fans and have no taste, ignore them and enjoy your time here." I told her that. She looked at me. "How many times are you gonna help me?" She asked. "Too many times to count." I joked and we laughed. We walked to our bunks and went to sleep. "Goodnight, Alpha." I opened my eyes and looked up. I remained silent before she sighed. "Goodnight, Brooklyn." I smiled and stayed up for a bit longer until sleep took me over. 

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