Chapter 24

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Over the next 6 months you spent most of your time around camp, as your pregnancy progressed John hung around camp more and more up until you hit the 38th week of your pregnancy he then was constantly by your side. You appreciated his worry but when he wouldn't even let you use the bathroom without standing a few feet away you started to feel suffocated. If you even breathed wrong he asked if you were going into labor, you were sat by the fire one night when you felt a pain in your stomach. It was dull but still unpleasant. You looked over to John who was talking to the men at the fire, not paying extremely close attention to you for once.

You felt anxiety course through your veins realizing that you were in the early stages of labor, you were having a baby. You reached over grabbing John's hand hoping to get his attention as your ability to speak was diminished. He continued to speak holding your hand lovingly for once he didn't think anything of what was happening. The pain increased slightly, it showed on your face as you squeezed John's hand. He still didn't get the hint

"Uh, John." Arthur said pointing towards you. John looked to see your face pasted with pain. "What's the matter?" You still couldn't speak, so you squeezed his hand harder. "Oh...OH! It's" He began to panic not exactly sure what to do. "Arthur what-what do I do with her?" He shouted, "Don't look at me I ain't got a damn clue! Go get Susan I don't know!" The two men were now panicking, by this point Charles had already went and got Susan. In his usual fashion he remained calm going to get her as soon as he realized what happened.

Susan began to instruct the men on what to do, "John take her upstairs, we'll handle everything. You're in for a long night so get comfortable." You sighed internally realizing this was only the beginning of a long labor. John took you upstairs calming not only yourself but himself as well, "It's gonna be fine. We'll be fine, right?" Halfway up the stairs another contraction hit causing you to stop, they were getting increasingly worse faster and faster. "Holy shit." You finally said grasping John's hand and the wall of the stairs.

John stood waiting for the contraction to pass before continuing up the stairs. He settled you in the bed pulling up a chair sitting down and staring at you. "Quit looking at me like that." You joked, he smiled. "We're having a damn baby. I'm gonna remember every second of this." Susan came into the room with a bucket of water and towels. She felt your stomach with a quizzical look on her face, you weren't sure what she was feeling for but you trusted whatever her judgement was. "You've still got a while to go sweetheart, I'd try to sleep if you can." She suggested, John thanked her as she left the room.

Over the next few hours your contractions increased in pain and length. Almost 8 hours after your first contraction Susan came back in, she studied your stomach once again. "I think it's time for a baby." She said smiling, John let out a quick breath holding your hand to his lips. "Next time you get a contraction, your going to bear down and push." She suggested, almost like clockwork a contraction immediately hit. You dug your heels into the bed, pushing until you had no air left in your lungs. John sat next to you on the bed putting an arm around your shoulder holding you close to him. He whispered words of encouragement into your ear as you began to push again. "That's my girl, there you go." He urged you to continue.

You labored about 2 hours before Susan pulled a baby girl out, she had midnight black hair, and large brown eyes. You held her against your chest as you and John admired the beautiful baby girl, you named her Rachel  Elizabeth Marston. "She looks just like her momma." John commented, you chuckled tiredly. "With that hair? She looks just like you, dummy." Her hair was the same color as John's she had a good amount of hair for a newborn which explained your extreme heartburn. It had small waves throughout it just like John's.

The extreme exhaustion finally took over the endorphins. You began to nod off as John was holding the baby. John brushed your hair back kissing your forehead, "I'll take care of her you get some sleep, momma." He then left the room as you slowly drifted asleep.

John's POV
I held my beautiful baby girl in my arms I've never walked so slowly in my life as I went down the stairs. Y/n had given me the best gift of my life, no amount of jewelry or money could ever compare to the small
child in my arms but I'll spend the rest of my life trying. I entered the living room to see half the camp
gathered in the room. They had been waiting for us ever since word spread that y/n was in labor. Coos and congratulations filled the room as I entered.

"Oh John, she's so beautiful! Look at those eyes!" Karen commented rubbing Rachel's plump cheek gingerly with her fingers. "Thank God she took after y/n a little bit, Marston." Arthur said looking over my shoulder. "She's almost got more hair than you, John!" Dutch remarked running his hand over her head.

Rachel began to cry after a while, "Bring her up here, John!" Y/n called. She's already got this mothering thing figured out. I headed back upstairs just as slowly as before, opening the door to y/n Rachel was still crying as she held her arms out for the baby. When I placed her in y/n's arms I realized everything had changed, nothing in my life will ever mean as much as these two girls right here. I wish this moment would last forever.

The Feller With The Scar, (slight) Arthur x Reader, John x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя