Chapter 14

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The next day you and John set out for the heartlands outside of Valentine, Arthur was supposed to meet you there later. He mentioned something about some previous business to attend to. As you and John trotted alongside each other, he reached over and grabbed your hand. Running his rough thumb over your soft but scarred knuckles. "I love you." You smiled at him returning the gesture.

He pulled your hand up and kissed it, A little gesture but it still meant so much to you. "Hey, come on over here and ride with me for a bit." You began to transfer yourself onto his saddle. Settling in front of him he sat his hands on your hips and began to kiss your neck. Slowly working his way up you settled your back against him sighing.

He bit at your earlobe and continued up your until he reached your cheek. You turned your face into the kiss, he started to run his hands up and down your body slowly bringing you closer and closer to him in desperation. You started to want him more and more with every movement. He had started to kiss down your neck again this time unbuttoning your shirt and moving it to the side of your shoulder. You looked forward realizing you were still out on the road.

"John, if you want this to go any further." You breathed heavily. "We should go somewhere, uh. Private." John growled into your neck. He then directed Old Boy off the road and behind a couple of boulders. He stepped down and quickly helped you down he pressed you against the rocks and began to roam your body kissing between your neck and lips. You gripped his shoulders and began to feel weak to your knees. He wrapped his arms around you pulling you into him even closer. You felt the bulge in his pants growing and rubbing against you. You pawed at it through his pants forcing him to groan into your mouth. He pulled away, "You better quit that if you know what's good for you." you smiled, "But what if I don't?" You said before grasping at it again. He moaned again, this time his eyes rolled back.

He gripped his hand around your neck and kissed you roughly as he pushed you up against the rock, fumbling with your jeans he began to pull them down and then removed his own. He pulled your leg up to rest on a ledge. He unbuttoned your shirt to reveal your breasts, he removed your bra and pushed his face into them. Leaving small marks over them as he continued down your stomach and stopping at your bikini line. He spit into his hand rubbing it over his cock. He lined himself up and pushed into you.

Teasing you with just the head he slowly began to move back and forth. You knew he loved to listen to you beg, but you also knew it wasn't going to take him long to submit to your pleas. You leaned into his pressing yourself onto his chest and then whimpered a quiet "Please." into his ear. He tried to resist but couldn't take it anymore. He plowed himself into you and began to dig deep into you as far as he could. You bucked your hips forward causing him to push deeper into you.

You felt a ball of pressure begin to build deep in your stomach. "J-J-John." He looked into your eyes breathing heavy, "I know, darlin, I'm almost there too."  He put his hand underneath your jaw and pulled you in for a kiss. He pulled away resting his forehead against yours. The ball in your stomach began to grow and grow. "John, Fuck!" you cried. He smiled and gave one final pump before pulling out aiming away delivering his load onto the ground beside you. "Shit, y/n." sweeping his sweaty hair out of his face. He grinned looking over at you. "I'm so glad you're my girl. I love you." Looking around to gather your clothes you both quickly dressed, and got back on your horses. You rode to the hill you were to meet Arthur at.

You arrived to the meeting spot with plenty of time to spare. You and John sat talking, waiting for Arthur to show. He rode up and began talking with the both of you. You kept a lookout on the horizon waiting for the sheep herd to arrive.

The herd soon arrived and John asked you to hand the rifle to Arthur, you knew the plan wasn't to shoot the shepherds, just put a shot in nearby to spook them. "Oh John, please let me do it! I wanna do it please!!" You begged like a child. "Y/n, that gun is too big for you. No." You stuck your bottom lip out hoping your childish desperation would convince him. "No this is not a discussion you'll end up hurt, you're not doing it. End of story." Usually you would find this demand ridiculous and it would make you angry but this newfound protection from John made you feel safe. You handed Arthur the rifle, dramatically sighing.

Arthur put 3 shots nearby spooking the young ranch hands leaving the herd unattended. The three of you swooped in and began to herd them towards the Valentine stock yards. You had worked a small ranch a few months before you began running with the Van Der Lindes so sheep herding was still fresh in your mind. You began to sweep your horse back and forth bringing up the rear, Arthur and John kept the sides. You made it back to Valentine and joined Arthur and John who were talking to the yard owner discussing prices.

"Folks swing for rustling livestock, twenty-five percent." the owner replied to Arthur. "Fifteen." John bartered,
John shook the man's hand. Stone faced he turned to you, taking your hand he walked you back to your horse. "Is everything okay?" He nodded, "Feller thinks we stole the sheep." You cocked your eyebrow. He looked at you and laughed, "Don't even say it, I know."

The Feller With The Scar, (slight) Arthur x Reader, John x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now