Chapter 9

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As you arrived to the location you heard gunshots from behind the abandoned building. You got off your horse and walked behind it, Arthur and Sean stood shooting bottles off of a ledge. When Arthur saw you his face quickly lit up with his signature smile but just as quick dropped when John appeared behind you. "We robbing a train or playing sharpshooter?" John teased. "Ah shut the fook up, Marston, we was just waiting on your slow arses to get here." Sean retaliated as the group walked over to the oil wagon nearby. Arthur and Sean sat up front while you, John and Charles clung to the side.

As you climbed up John wrapped his arm around your waist to hold you closer to the him. You smiled turning your head to look at him. "What are you doing with that arm?" You asked. "Well with your history, I figured it was probably best to hold on to you. You know, for protection." He said shrugging and smiling. You lightly punched him in the arm as the wagon jerked to a start. Sean chattered the entire way
like usual, you weren't even sure he stopped to breathe.

As you arrived you stepped down and cut the horses free smacking their rear as they took off into the woods. You John, Sean and Charles hid in the woods as Arthur stood on the wagon waiting for the train to round the corner. John quietly whispered near your ear preparing you for what your job was, what to do if law shows up, and other things required. You tried to pay attention as this was important information but you couldn't help but feel a shiver run down your spine. His hushed voice made you want to call this whole job off and have him take you away.

John knew exactly what he was doing he could hear your breath hitch and speed up. He began to run his hand up and down your back as he continued to explain, leaning in closer with each word. He was driving you absolutely wild and there was nothing you could do about it. It was dark enough that Sean and Charles couldn't exactly see what he was doing but you heard Sean chuckling and muttering something just quiet enough for you not to hear but you heard 'Marston' somewhere in the sentence.

As he finished this sentence he bit at your earlobe softly before returning to his original position. You soon heard the distant chugging of a train as it began to come around the corner you made sure your gun was loaded and your bandolier was filled. As the train slowed to a stop, you all lept into action charging towards the train. As you climbed up a guard grabbed your arm, you turned around and before you could even react he was a crumpled mess on the floor. John had shot him as soon as he saw him grab you. You continued towards the passenger car a rush of adrenaline, familiar to when those men were chasing you, coursed through your veins. John handed you a sack as you entered the car, "Just take whatever they hand you. They start to get mouthy let me know and move onto the next one, I'll handle it." He sent you on your way with a pat to the bottom. Red fell over your face as he shouted, "Hand all your valuables and money to the lady!"

You walked through the train car stuffing the items into the bag. A man stood to stop you but you shoved an elbow into his stomach and pointed him out to John before continuing. You soon reached the end of the car and continued out the door onto a cargo cart. A man emerged from behind a crate and began to fire at you, You jumped behind a shipment of flour, returning fire at the man, he soon fell to the ground. More men came running towards you as Charles and John came out the door. You ran and grabbed Johns arm pulling him down next to you and bullets began to fire through the air. The three of you cleared out the rest of the guards as Arthur and Sean came to join you.

Making your way through the rest of the train, John followed closely behind you. He felt like he left you in danger letting you walk out by yourself. As you rifled through cabinets he was constantly looking around for any more enemies. When he deemed the coast clear, he slammed you up against the car wall, praising you for how well you did. "I am so damn proud of you." He said, "Taking care of them guards after my dumbass let you go by yourself." He kissed you passionately. He lifted one of your legs so he could kiss you even deeper. "Marston! We got company let's go!" Arthur's voice soon interrupted. "Shit!" He shouted pulling away, grabbing your arm as he pulled you out of the car.

Sean was already on a horse loading the bags onto it. John lifted you off the cart and dropped you onto the horse "Sean! Get y/n out of here now!" Sean took off which caused a few lawmen to chase after the two of you. With your gun drawn and arm around Sean's torso you turned and started shooting at the men dropping them one by one. He darted into the woods and stopped when you were deep enough from the road. "We'll just stay here until the morning." He said checking his pocket watch. "Just a couple a' hours." You nodded as you sat down against a rock, exhausted

"Arthur and John won't worry?" Sean laughed "Oh, your John'll be just fine. You got ol' MacGuire wit' ya' thay know you're in good hands!" he gloated, you liked the sound of someone calling John yours. "Speaking' of which what da' hell are you and John? One day ya' hate his guts and then next you can't keep ya' damn hands offa' him!" You rolled your eyes. "I don't know, we've never really figured out what it is." Sean scoffed, "Well with all 'dat shootin' back there he better figure it out quick before I keep ya' for my damn self!" He said laughing. "You're pretty good on da' gun." You thanked him before closing your eyes and resting against the rock. Sean stayed close by on guard counting the money and valuables you had lifted from the train.

The Feller With The Scar, (slight) Arthur x Reader, John x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now