Chapter 10

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The law was still searching around so you and Sean ended up hiding until late morning/early afternoon. You soon successfully made it back to Horseshoe Overlook. You arrived to see John pacing by the entrance, he smiled when he saw you arrive. Running up and pulling you down off Sean's horse holding you close to him he laughed. "Where the hell have you two been? I was worried sick!" Sean scoffed, "Ah, Marston you knew she was in the safe hands of old Sean Macguire!" John rolled his eyes. "Get outta' here, Irish." He let go of the very long hug, looking into your eyes. "I was so worried about you, I thought you'd been arrested or...killed." You smiled. "Oh come on John, nobody's taking me down without a fight!" He smiled and pulled you into a kiss.

A party had started amongst the camp later that night. You and John drank the night away as Arthur watched in a dark corner of the camp. You and John had started dancing to the music coming from Dutch's gramophone. Holding you close he hummed in your ear and then said, "Listen, I-I-I may be a lil' bit drunk but you just need to know..." You looked into his eyes. "What is it, John?" He smiled. "I love you." Even in your drunkenness you felt shock. "You what?" He kissed you. "I love you!" he shouted.

You laid against his chest. He loves you? He hasn't even asked you to figure out what your relationship is and he loves you? You loved spending time with him but did you love him like he loved you? Your mind began to sober up and spin. You lied to John about being tired, and quickly retreated towards your tent. You caught Arthur's eye and he began to follow you. "Hey y/n where ya' headed the party is just starting!" You stopped and turned around to face him. "Arthur." you sighed "I-uh was just heading to bed." You said lying through your teeth.

"Is everything okay?" he said questioning your uneasiness. "Uh- yeah it's all good I'm just tired. You know?" He cocked an eyebrow at you. You groaned, "John just told me he loves me!" You blurted out without thinking before slamming a hand over your mouth. "Is that a bad thing?" He questioned, you sighed. "No, well yes. But no. I don't know!" Arthur stayed silent through your rant "I-I don't know how to love someone, is this what love is?" He smirked, "Well, I tried to love someone but, they wouldn't have me." You dropped your head knowing he was talking about you. "But, if you feel anything like how I felt about her, then yeah, that's love."

Arthur walked away, believing you had gone to bed to think, leaving you alone with your thoughts. You did love John. He made you happy, he didn't tell you what to do. He let you be your own person. Yeah, you loved him. You turned back into camp and searched for John. You had to tell him you loved him before it was too late. You spotted him along the edge of camp, you walked along the tree line towards him.  As you walked you heard movement in the woods but you paid no attention to it. You got closer to John before a hand clamped over your mouth and you were dragged into the woods. You kicked and screamed against the hand kicking off one of your boots in the process. You were thrown on the ground, "What the fu-" A gag choked you across the mouth and rough rope tied your hands and feet. You shoved your body around before a boot kicked you swift over the head knocking you out cold.

You were then taken away as the party continued, as everyone thought you had gone to bed.

(Y/h/n = Your horse's name)

John went to bed, falling over his own feet. He made it to his tent and quickly faceplanted into his cot, falling asleep immediately. The next morning his head thudded from the awful hangover from the night before. "Y/n is probably still asleep." He thought to himself. He went to the fire and made a couple cups of coffee. He walked to your tent and opened it. "Hey, sleepyhe-" But he entered an empty tent. He looked around noticing your bedroll was neatly made. "Hmm." He went out and scanned the camp for any sign of you. After realizing he didn't see you anywhere he sat the cups on a near by table and walked over to the horses. Y/h/n was still there? "What the hell?" He mumbled to himself. He scanned the camp once again, he was sure you were nowhere to be found. Thinking the worst he ran to Dutch's tent, "Dutch! Y/n is gone, I can't find her!" He began to incessantly rant. "Son! Stop for a minute! Breathe John, breathe." John heaved over putting his hands on his knees breathing quickly through his mouth. "Now she couldn't have gone far. Let's just go look together she may have fallen asleep somewhere other than her tent." He said chuckling to himself about last nights party. "Arthur! Will you come with us? We can't find y/n, so we're going to look for her." Arthur joined John and Dutch. John looked in the back of camp while Dutch looked around the entrance.

Arthur took the tree line towards the edge of camp, scanning the deep woods for any sign of you. He noticed something sticking out among the greenery. He reached in and pulled out your boot. "Shit." He hissed. "Dutch! We've got a problem!"

The Feller With The Scar, (slight) Arthur x Reader, John x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now