My plans for my Return and my Ancestors reveal

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1 year later

Max: It's been a year since I found out who my father was he has been training in the ways of the Sith he also told me stories about ancient Sith lords of the Galaxy especially Darth Bane. Bane had created to "The rule of two" where there could only be one Sith Master and one Sith Apprentice if Sith apprentice is to become the master he must killed his Sith Master and take his place My father ( Palpatine) despised it seeing it as a failure with his former apprentices Darth Maul, Count Dooku, Darth Vader, but not his wife. My mom she had remain loyal to him I still don't know what happened to her my dad doesn't say.....but something about Darth Bane I feel something about him....that we are connected some how....are we related? I don't think so he didn't even have kids.........right?
I'll guess I talk and ask my father about. And other news I found love but not just one you see after sometime on Exegol Captain Phasma Arachnid Dark Side Rey (but I just call her Dark Rey) Captain Sabrond Second Sister has confessed their feelings for me and they felt sorry for what happened to me and Arcee and they promised not to betray me. I was so happy I have not just one girlfriend but more and I got one more Female Kylo Ren a clone version of Kylo Ren. So how did this happened let me? Let me explain you see my father has sent me with Captain Phasma to Starkiller Base the headquarters of the First Order (The base doesn't get destroyed or blow up any planets we don't want to repeat history in the galaxy don't we?) And sent me to kill Supreme Leader Snoke and take his place it was successful I managed to kill him and take place as leader but...there was a problem...Kylo Ren the Grandson of Darth Vader My father's former apprentice was mad that I became leader and not him so I fight him and easily killed him. But this wasn't the end for him however he fought bravely and powerful so I decided to clone a female version of him I called her Ren (I couldn't find a good name I like so I have to use this name ok) she became my apprentice and later she became a part of my harem and my girlfriends approved her. So I became the new Supreme Leader of the First Order and our campaign on the Galaxy has gone successfully he didn't use Starkiller Base because he didn't need unless for "Emergencies" only with me and my fathers fleets and armies we managed to be victorious against the New Republic and the Resistance we managed to occupy all of the Galaxy. Even though Resistance activists still remain and still cost trouble but nothing we can handle during our reign of the Galaxy we decided to go less harsh on the people and others races to make sure no more people will rise against us and first things we started to let some non humans join our faction it might cost some problems but I will "deal" with personally and other thing is to outlaw slavery even though slavery has been outlawed by the New Republic but it was weak do to corruption in the Republic once we took over we stop slavery once and for all. I despised slavery see as a Crime against the people since I was "raised" on Earth I was reading books about slavery in the past I red books the American Civil war and slavery I continued to read books about and segregation in the after years I so upset about it these were good people that were taking away from their homes and considered as property I will not allow that to happen so me and troops find Slaves and liberate them and find the slavers and I will punish them severely I will sometimes kill them myself and others will go to prison or do hard labor or other types of punishments for them but as for the Resistance leaders like Leia Rey Poe and others they remain in hiding but that doesn't mater all that maters of what happens next. I was just summoned by my father because wants to talk to me something important now I was just cuddling with Arachnid after me and the Girls had "Fun" last night all the girls left to do their duties while me and Arachnid all that remain she is currently in her regular form I know she has a human form but I like her regular form because it's more sexy

Max's POV

Location: Max's room on his flagship Vengeance with Arachnid on her berth (Cybertronian bed)

Max: How was last night honny?

I ask Arachnid

Arachnid: It was amazing for a human such as yourself

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