Chapter 1

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I ran around my room getting ready i was late again. No suprise. The school practically gave up on my attendance between me being late or not showing up. 

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I used my magic to do my hair by curling it my makeup with a natural look

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I used my magic to do my hair by curling it my makeup with a natural look. I grabbed my backpack, keys and phone. I ran downstairs to the kitchen to get a bloodbag any coffee. I quickly drank the blood before yelling by to my mom who was upstairs with my baby sister who was barley a year old. I climbed into my car and drove to school

I parked my car and turned it off and  got out with my stuff

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I parked my car and turned it off and  got out with my stuff. I walked into the school and to class. I opened the door and all eyes were on me. The teacher nodded at me honestly surprised to see me. The only seat that was open was next to the extremely pretty girl who had longish curly hair. I sat next to her in the back as the teacher talked. 

Girl: Im rebekah. What's your name?

Harley: harley nice to meet you. 

Rebekah: would you like to hangout after shool?

Harley: ya sure 

The rest of the day went by pretty normal. I had all my classes with bekah. But i saw one of my mates. Bekahs brother. I knew what they were and that they were related. Me and bekah climbed into my jeep and she was startled by the music that blared and the smell of weed and alcohol. I turned down the volume and backed out. She gave me directions to her house. I was shocked as i pulled up to the house. It was bigger than mine and mine was huge. I put the car in park turning it off. I got out and closed and walked up to the house with bekah. As we walked inside all i heard was yelling


bekah: that would be my brother nik

I nodded my head his yelling sounded hot. 

Bekah: well brother that would be my friend Harley

He came into view and was star struck. I waved flirtiously at him smirking. I strut into the living room throwing my bag onto the couch.

Harley: you have a lovely house bekah *spinning round  to look at her*

Before she could respond the front door opened flew open and my other mate came in pissed.


damn its hot when they yell. I sat on the couch enjoying the show. He continued to yell it slowly started to piss me off because now klaus joined and was bout to snap her neck. I normally don't do this but i speed over and snapped klaus neck. He fell to the ground with a thud. The other 2 look at me shocked. 

Harley: gotta learn how to respect your women bubs 

Bekah: how in the tarnation did you do that.

Harley: what? Yall actually thought i was human? I can literally feel the supernatural radiating off of yall

They looked like a truck had hit them. I looked down at klaus who groaned in pain. He slowly got up off the ground glaring at me. 

Klaus: that was uncalled for love.

Bekah: but you were going to hurt my bestie

He sighed. 

Kol: can we please talk about how shes not human and snapped a damn original hybrid?

Klaus:ya i was wondering the same thing

We all went and sat on the couch. I was next to kol being Klaus was still slightly pissed. 

Klaus: so what are you?

Bekah: nik!  You cant just ask that!

He rolled his eyes

Harley: im a vampire,werewolf, witch, demon, banshee and i can control elements

They all were shocked. 

Kol: why do you look like Katherine?

Harley: distant relative.

I continue to get to know my mates and friend. I found out elijah and finn are dealing with business and will be back in a week. Bekah was giving me a tour of the house when my phone rang.

Harley: hey mom

Sarah: hey can you come home. I got called in. Its really busy right now. And i need someone to watch Paige.

Harley: ya ill be there in a couple minutes.

I hung up and put my phone in my jeans.

Harley: i gotta go watch my baby sister. See you tomorrow?

Bekah: ya 

I gave her a hug and went downstairs. 

Harley: bye boys wherever you are?

I walked out to my car and climbed in starting it. I turned on my playlist and drove off quickly. I was always a fast driver but when I had paige i drove like a normal human. It must be bad if my mom gets called into work being shes a nurse. My dad is always out of town for "work". Once he found out my mom was pregnant again and had paige he became different. He  never around anymore. Its been rough on my mom being shes had  to start working to not draw attention to us. I pulled into the driveway and turned off the car.  As i was grabbing my phone i realized i left my bag. Shit, ill run by later to get it. I climbed out and closed the door. I walked inside as mom was running around. 

Sarah: carseat is by the stairs, you'll need to run to the store to get some food for Paige we just ran out. Bath at 7:30 and bed at 8:15.

Harley: ok bye mom

She ran out the house and was gone in a blink of an eye. I walked over to where paige was sitting in her play pen watching toy story. She saw me and looked up at me smiling.

Harley: hey tinky

 She giggles as I picked her up and sat her on my lap and called bekah

Bekah: hey wsp

Harley: hey i left my bag over at your house im gonna swing by in like an hour to get it. 

Bekah: ok ill let my brothers know. Theyre upset you left. 

Harley: they'll live

Bekah started laughing

Bekah: alright see you soon.

I hung up and sat paige next to me. I speed up to her room and grabbed her slides. I went back downstairs and put them on. She had on a white onzie thing with a bagie sweater over top with fuzzy socks. I put on her beanie with some of her long dark hair peaking through. I picked her up and grabbed my stuff and her car seat. I sat her in the front while i put her carseat in. Once it was i was done i put her in it then ran inside to get to get her bear and lock the door. I ran back to the car and gave her the bear and closed the door. I climbed in and turned on the car. I quickly turned the music down as it was blaring. I backed out and drove to the store.

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