To love and to cherish

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Time jump to the end of senior year in Nevermore.

Wednesday's POV:

"Bye, Yoko I'm going to miss you so much," Enid said hugging Yoko with tears falling down her face.

  "We can always visit each other in the summer right?" Yoko asked looking at me for approval because Enid stays at my house.

"As much as I dread you. You can come over." I said standing behind Enid.

   "I love you too asshole," Yoko said smirking. "But thank you."

"You're welcome." I nodded as I spoke.

  Enid bent down to pick up her bags and turned around and smiled at me and walked beside me as we walked to the car.

We both put our bags in the trunk and got into the car.

  "You ready?" I said looking beside me.

"Yeah!" She said looking over at me.

  I nodded and started the car and drove off into the road.

Enid and I took turns driving since it is a long car ride I drove longer because I'm a significantly better driver than Enid.

  Over the last 4 years, I've learned that I had to deal with Enid's dreadful music taste I've gotten so used to it to the point I tolerate it.

Enid turns on the radio and switches between channels until she finds the song California Girls by Katy Perry.

  Enid starts by singing and I join in along with her just not as excited as her.

Mid-song she stops and looks at me and turns down the music so I could look at her for a split second.

  "I love you Wednesday I really do," Enid says smirking.

"I love you too Enid," I replied "Did you do something?" I asked her confused.

  "What? No why?" Enid asks me.

"Well because you don't say in love you that often," I said shrugging.

  "Yeah, I know. I need to say it more often is all!" Enid said ecstatically.

"Oh? Okay then." I said smirking.

  Another time jump girlies😍

No one's POV:

  Enid holds her bags and so does Wednesday as they are standing in front of a huge building with a sign in front of it saying. "University of Stanford."

  "I'm so happy we made it to one of the best colleges ever!!" Enid says standing still.

"Yeah, me too," Wednesday said smiling.

  "You ready?" Enid says excitedly.

Wednesday lets out a sigh before replying "Yeah. Yes, I am."

  "Then let's go!" Enid said skipping along the path and Wednesday walks behind her.

                            THE END.

Guys, I'm going to make part two of this because I'm officially on summer break because I have tons of ideas for part two

  I hope you guys enjoyed this byeeee

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