qualsiasi cosa per il mio amore

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(Anything for my love is the title)

Enids POV:
It's been about a week since I came out to my mom and she hasn't contacted me at all I don't think I've ever been so I guess not stressed I don't know.

The only thing that's stressing me is the dreams I've been having and the visions will have been having.

But I'm so excited for this week because I'm Saturday it's going to be the Rav'n! I can't wait to ask Willa to go with me I hope she says yes I mean all I have to do is give her puppy eyes and she will say yes.


Wednesdays POV:

The "Rav'n" is on Friday I want to ask Enid but I'm feeling something I've never felt before every time I even think of asking her to the Rav'n I get hot and my face turns red. I'm going to do something I swore to never do in my life.

"Hey, can I talk to you?" I questioned.

"Addams is asking me!? To help the idiot?!" Yoko replied while sitting next to Divina.

"Ha ha very funny but I seriously need help and you are the only person that knows E" I responded to Yoko.

"Yeah I know, I know E better than you," Yoko said rolling her eyes and smiling.

"That's not what I said," I said in a rude tone.

"Okay, then what do you want?" Yoko said standing up and crossing her arms.

"I want to ask Enid out to the Rav'n." I paused because Yoko let out a big gasp. "But I don't know how. Every time I think of asking her out to it I get hot and my face turns red... Even though we've been dating for 7 months 6 days 3 hours and 12 minutes."

"Okay, we'll first you are nervous and just need to do it I know shell said yes. And secondly, that's creepy that you know when you guys dated that much." Yoko said turning around.

"Okay... Thanks." I said before turning around and walking away."

30 minutes later:

Enids POV:

I got back from hanging out with Eugene and saw a note on my bed.

Dear cara mia.

       Meet me In the grove as soon as possible
And follow the red path.

       - W.A.

I read the note and smiled this would be the perfect opportunity to ask Willa to the dance even though I don't know how to dance it would still be so much fun.

I got ready and walked out the door and walked to the forest or "grove" as Wednesday likes to say.

Once I got there I saw red flower petals all over the floor leading somewhere this is the red path Wednesday was talking about.

As I followed the pedals I saw Wednesday turned around and her hair wavy.

"Willa?" I asked her.

"Hello, Enid." She turned around and walked over to me.

I was having a full-on gay panic at that moment I couldn't breathe and I was hyperventilating but I'm a good way? She was wearing an all-black tuxedo and had a bouquet of roses.

She handed them to me and she grazed her soft supple hands across mine.

The roses had no thorns it's the small details that k love she's always looking out for me every second of the way.

"Sit down, please,"  Wednesday asked nicely and I pointed to a light pink chair as she sat down in her black chair.

There was a bunch of mine and her favorite food.

"Enid, there is something I need to tell you," Wednesday said fidgeting with her thumbs.

Wednesday's POV:

I was struggling to get the correct words out of my mouth to ask her I was so anxious too.

"Would you," I said pausing before speaking again.

"Would you like to go to the Rav'n with me?" I said spitting the words out.

She stood up and ran to me and hugged me.

"Of course, I will Willa!"

"Okay!" I said smiling.

Sorry for the shot story guys

To love and cherish.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें