Holding the truth

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Wednesdays POV:

I took Oakley to her dorm which isn't far from mine.

"Thank you!" Oakley said with little enthusiasm.

"You're welcome," I said nodding and walking away.

I walked back into my dorm and the journal that Dr. Kinbott got me was laying down perfectly in the center of my desk I sat down and began to write.

May 7
I know what has happened to Enid but Mrs. Weems would rather not believe me even though I was the one that saved the whole school and MY visions were the ones to help. Everyone said that my visions were not true and called me names but now I'm one of the most known or what Enid calls "popular" someone in the whole school because of what I did to save the school.

But Mrs. Weems won't believe my visions I just have to wait until I am right or until I get another vision. -W. A.

"Whatcha writing?" I heard a voice from behind me say.

I turn around and see Annie holding her hands in front of her and her head tilted slightly to the right.

"I'm writing in my journal, but it would not be so secret if I told you," I said closing it and putting my pen down.

"I guess so!" Annie said excitedly.

"So what do you want?" I said confused.

"Nothing I'm just bored," Annie said smiling still.

Her smile gives me the chills and it makes me want to throw myself off of a bridge head first.

   "Go bother Yoko or something I'm busy," I said turning back around.

"Whatever," Annie said turning around and walking out.

    I began to make an evidence board on what I have been visioning because I know for a fact that my visions would never lie.

Four hours later:

   Annie walked in with about four big shopping bags and one small one.

Two of them were from "Gucci" and another two were from Apple but that black bag had no wording on it.

     She is a very rich girl I must say, although she does think I'm poor even though I am much wealthier than her.

I just don't like spending a whole lot of money on myself but on the other hand Enid I would spend thousands of dollars on her in four weeks tops.

    Annie spends more on herself than I have in my whole lifetime. Just because I am rich doesn't mean I am spoiled, or spoiled rotten.

I turned back around to face my evidence board and seconds later I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see Annie with her hands behind her back.

    "Yes?" I said confused.

"I got you something!" she sang while smiling.

   "But I don't want anything from anybody I do not need it," I said tilting my head slightly to the left.

"Just close your eyes," she said sarcastically and rolled her eyes.

   I let out a sigh before closing my eyes and putting my hands out.

Annie placed a small box in my hands and seconds later she said "Open!"

    I opened my eyes and I saw placed in my hand a packaged box with a headphone picture on the front and on the side of the box the word Sony placed on it.

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