The monster we all hate

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4 days later: Wednesdays POV: I'm reading my book and Enid is on her phone while having her head in between my legs while my backs is up against the wall slouching a bit so my backs doesn't hurt.

The new principal walks in with her hands behind her back randomly the new principal was Weems sister although they looked nothing alike Mrs.Weems is what we call her but she is short with brown hair and blue eyes and she has a tattoo on her arm.

"Hello girls" she said confused because she knows I don't like physical contact.

Enid jumps up from my legs and crosses her legs.

"Hello Mrs.Weems" I said getting up from my bed to stand next to her.

"I have some news for you" She sounded like I would be upset.

"Well what is it?" I said confused.

Enid walks over to me to hear what is happening and Mrs.Weems starts to talk.

" Tyler Galpin is in this school now. They said that's he is under control now, and since he isn't a normie he goes her now." She said spilling it out all at once.

"Are you serious?! Do you know what he did. He caused thousands of dollars in damage and traumatized all of us including me and Wednesday!" Enid said in a angry tone.

"We know but we have to Sheriff's orders, but he's on thin ice so if he does anything wrong we will expel him" she said as if it made anything better.

"Okay. But if he touches me or Wednesday I will not hesitate." Enid said in a more calm relaxed tone.

"Okay. We'll have fun with whatever you were doing." Mrs. Weems said walking out the door.

Enids POV:
I can't believe this after everything Fly Guy did to us and this school they just forget. They forgive?!

"Can you believe this?" I said asking Wednesday.

I look at Wednesday waiting for a response and her eyes are wide open in shock she's worried.

"Are you okay?" I said asking Wednesday again.

"Yeah. I'm fine" Wednesday said still looking at the door.

She has a pool of water at the bottom of her eyes.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I said grabbing her hands walking In front of her.

"Can we just get off campus for right now" Wednesday said.

"Yeah of course,do you want to go to the coffee store?" I said grabbing her face.

"Yeah that's fine just anywhere but here right now" Wednesday said looking at me.

I get ready and wait by the door for Wednesday. She walks out and has her bag that she always carries.

"Ready?" I asked her.

"Yup" Wednesday replied.

We walk out the door and head to the cafe.

15 minutes later.

No one's POV: Wednesday and Enid sit down in their booth sitting side by side from each other.

"Hey Wednesday I haven't seen you around lately"

Wednesday turns her head to see who is talking to her and it's Xavier.

"What do you want creep" Enid said in a rude tone.

"Wednesday put your dog on a leash" Xavier said while laughing.

Enid looked away and got sad and Wednesday noticed.

"Excuse me?!" Wednesday said standing up next to Xavier.

"What she was being rude it was joke because she is a wolf" Xavier said laughing still.

Wednesday grabs Xavier's collar and pulls him down so they can meet faces.

"Open your wide ass ears and listen okay? Speak to me or my girlfriend like that again and I will kill you and it will be slow and painful, don't look at us don't talk to us don't even breathe in our direction. Okay?"
Wednesday said in a calm way but was very aggressive.

"Girlfriend?" Xavier said pushing Wednesday off of him.

"Yes? Do you have a problem with it" Wednesday said in a more angry tone.

"I thought you liked me?!" Xavier said cluelessly.

"Did you not read the room. I'm.Gay." Wednesday said in a louder tone but not loud enough for every one to hear.

"Okay Jesus I'm sorry" Xavier said backing up slowly with his hands up.

Enids POV: the entire time Wednesday was talking to Xavier I had my mouth wide open I was so Shocked because Wednesday called me her girlfriend! And also she handled that pretty well too.

"You okay?" Wednesday said sitting by me again.

"Yeah! I'm great I'm even better now!" I said basically doing backflips off the wall (in my mind not actually).

"What? Why?" Wednesday said confused.

"Because you called me your girlfriend!" I said with the widest smile across my face ever.

"Oh. Well do you want me to call you that?" Wednesday said placing her hand on mine.

"Yes! If your okay with it!" I asked.

"Of course pup" Wednesday said smirking.

I placed my head on Wednesday shoulder while she was drinking her quad.

No one's POV: after they are done they get up and go back to the dorm Wednesday grabs Enids hand and didn't try to hide it. Enid gets a huge smile across her face and looks straight a head of her.

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