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Wednesday's POV:

After I read this I went to talk to Oakley about it but I saw Mrs. Weems behind me with blood scattered around her face.

"Annies not going anywhere." She said with a crazy grin.

"You're not taking her away from me not again." She continued to speak.

I look her up and down as she is holding a gun also covered in blood she points it to my head and it goes off.

I opened my eyes to Oakley standing next to me with her hands in her pockets.

"You had another vision. What did you see?" Oakley asked.

"Mrs. Weems shot me and had blood all over her saying I won't take Annie away from her," I said confused.

I got up from the floor and walked over to Annie's side of the room and opened her scrapbook.

As I opened it I saw Mrs. Weems and her standing next to each other.

I read what it said underneath the picture.

Happy mothers Day to my special mom! -2015

Mrs. Weems is Annie's mom the person that was next to the tree cheering was Mrs. Weems she wanted Enid dead.

"Mrs. Weems is the culprit. She wanted Enid dead." I said to Oakley in disbelief.

"Are you sure!?" Oakley said confused.

"I'm sure" I replied.

I felt betrayed again I thought Mrs. Weems would have been good.

I felt sad and rage all at the same time I didn't know what to do.

"I'm getting Enid back bring the book," I told Oakley while walking.

Oakley followed behind as she was holding the book "What are you going to do?" Oakley asked while getting closer to me.

"I'm going to get Annie," I said walking into the cafeteria.

As I walked into the cafeteria I saw Annie smiling with her friends and talking.

"Annie let's go," I said.

"What?" Annie said confused.

"Just come on we are going to see Mrs. Weems," I said again.

"No," Annie said smiling.

Her friend's smile immediately faded as she said no.

"I'm not asking we are going NOW!" I said in a rude tone.

"Or what?" Annie said smiling.

"Annie I think you should just go we will wait." Her friend said.

"No, why are you guys even scared of her she isn't scary," Annie said crossing her arms.

"If you don't move your ass me and Wednesday will torture you nice and slow and then dip you in acid," Oakley said with a smile.

I was surprised she said to be completely honest I didn't know she had it in her.

"Okay fine," Annie said rushing away.

"That's better!" Oakley said in a sweet voice.

"You're psycho," I said with a smirk.

"Thank you?" Oakley said confused.

"It's a great compliment to me," I reassured her.

I walked to the door of the office and barged in.

"Mrs. Addams I'm busy right now." Mrs. Weems said.

I looked at the kid standing next to her and back at her.

"Leave," I said to the kid.

He rushed out of the office with a scared look and closed the door.

"What do you want I was busy." Mrs. Weems said in an angry tone.

"You wanted Enid dead," I said.

"Excuse me!?" Mrs. Weems said flabbergasted.

"That man the Satanist was the one that attacked me and Enid that night at the Rav'n. You asked him to do that to kill Enid."

"I am bewildered at these accusations, Mrs. Addams!" Mrs. Weems exclaimed.

   "I know what I saw I just need more proof." I sighed before talking again. "Just wait."

I turned around to face the door and felt a smack to the back of my head and it went dark.

   I woke up chained to a chair in crack stones crypt
I despise this place so much.

I looked around and saw Mrs. Weems standing behind the coffin.

   "So I was right," I said proudly.

"Correct. And it was a matter of time before you found out."  Mrs. Weems said.

   "Where is Oakley?" I worried.

"Oh! I had Annie take care of that."
   Thing would be of much help at this time I should have told him to come here.

"Why did you do this?" I asked.

   "Well the Satanist is my brother and I asked if he could save my daughter." Mrs. Weems paused "And well he said he needed a body first and I gave him Enid."

    "What would Laressa think of this?" I asked.

"It's YOUR fault she's dead. And no others." Mrs. Weems said.

   As she continued to blubber I grabbed the sharp rock that was next to my foot and cut the rope off. She turned around and got up and tried to sneak out.

As I opened up the door to walk out I felt two large hands grab my shoulders and pull me back.

   I turned around and saw what looks like a Hyde mixed with a Wolf above me.

"Why are you trying to leave?" The creature spoke.

   Mrs. Weems turned around and walked over to the creature and was talking to it.

"Thank you Annie what a good girl." Mrs. Weems said in a baby voice.

   "Why are you acting like she is a dog I mean she is a little bitch." I paused before speaking again. "I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

Mrs. Weems raised her hand and slapped me across the face.

  "Don't ever disrespect my beautiful precious daughter or me again." Mrs. Weems said.

"If that's what you call beauty. But we all have different opinions." I said in a mocking voice.

   I was trying to distract Mrs. Weems from Oakley that was behind her with a metal rod Oakley rose her hands and right before she was going to hit Mrs. Weems Annie grabbed the rod and threw Oakley across the room.

As Mrs. Weems was distracted I stood up and swiftly went under her and grabbed the rod and tried to hit her.

   I smacked her head with it and she went unconscious I turned around and saw Annie on the floor too.

I suppose Mrs. Weems was controlling what Annie was doing.

   I quickly went and tired up Annie and Mrs. Weems and went to get Enid's body.

We preserved Enid so that her body wouldn't decompose.

   I got Enid's body and the book and set everything up.

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