"Right now you don't have a choice in the matter." Ronan challenged me.

A sadistic smile spread across my face because his statement was laughable.

"The only reason I'm still sitting here is by choice and you all need to remember that." My words were sinister and dark.

Ronan's deep scowl returned and he glared at me from his seated position.

"Go on then." He taunted, but I didn't dare move. "See how far you could get before the king hunts you down. And he won't send me, oh no. He won't send Kaes or Talon. King Ragnar will send creatures that would haunt your dreams to kill you in ways you've never heard of."

His words struck fear in my heart, but my only response was anger and resentment.

"Go on then, brave Everly. Leave." He taunted again.

My breathing picked up and my anger overflowed, spewing venomous words from my mouth.

"I can't stand you." I yelled, slamming my hands down on the table.

"Then sit down." Ronan said loudly, rising to his feet.

His loud response caused me to jump and flinch, an action that caused him to rake his palm down his face in frustration.

"I'm meeting with the king today so you'll have to deal with me very little. Talon will stay with you."

Without finishing his meal, Ronan left his still full plates and walked toward his room.

"I'm trying to help you." Ronan said quietly from the doorway.

"Why?" It was a legitimate question and one I wanted an answer to.

For a split second, I thought he might respond. His mouth opened and his breath caught, but he ultimately decided against it.

"I'll be back tomorrow." He muttered before disappearing into his room to pack his things. 


I was too angry to eat, but didn't dare leave that room until Ronan had gone. Part of me knew he was right and knew I should be grateful for his help, but I was too stubborn and angry to face him. 

As soon as I left the dining room, I saw Talon sitting in a chair, reading a book. He folded it shut with one hand as soon as his eyes registered my movements.

"Are you quite finished with your little tantrum?" He asked flatly.

"Yes." I sighed.

"Ronan is going to speak on your behalf today, to convince the king to spare your life. You could have at least shown an ounce of gratitude." Talon was angry and I feared that I deserved it.

"I know. I'll thank him when he returns alright? I just...I don't understand any of this and every time I try to save myself, I just make things worse."

Talon studied me for a second or two, probably searching for sarcasm or attitude.

"Come sit with me outside, being cooped up isn't going to do much for your mental state." He was already moving before I agreed, but I was fond of the idea and followed closely behind.

There were a few chairs surrounding a fire stack that had long since been extinguished. We sat next to each other in silence for a little while before I worked up the courage to speak.

"Why did you lie to Ronan about me when I first arrived?"

Talon arched a brow at me in confusion.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Hours after you brought me to Thoracia and left me with Jade, Ronan appeared at the courtyard and demanded that you show him the nymph you had captured. You and I both knew it was me, but you lied. Why?"

Talon chuckled to himself and shook his head.

"You really want to know?"


"I uh...I thought he was going to offer you as a gift to Kaes."

"As a meal." I added, getting a nod from Talon as confirmation.

"Well thank you for that." I said with a smile.

The silence resumed and I found myself lost in the sounds of the forest. They reminded me of home and I had to fight back tears that stung my eyes.

"I assume the king will want me dead for killing one of his officers." My words were blunt and seemed to catch Talon off guard.

"Ragnar's only concern is power. And you have a lot of it. While I'm not sure of his plans for you, I can't see him wasting power such as yours."

"You think he'll try to use me for his own gain?"

"Maybe." Talon's honesty was appreciated, yet frightening.

"But Ronan doesn't want that?"

"None of us want that." Talon corrected with pain in his voice.

It seemed of the men who had captured me, I trusted Talon the most. Maybe it was because his motives were clear. I saved his life and he was trying to save mine. An eye for an eye. It made sense. But Ronan and Kaes? What did they stand to gain from helping me? What were their motives? Until I had that piece of the puzzle I kept them at arms length, giving them little to no trust until I was provided evidence otherwise.

"You're a good man Talon." I said, grateful for his help and conversation.

My words caused a deep sigh to rumble from within his chest and his expression was vacant.

"No Everly. I'm not. None of us are."

It was a chilling reminder that sobered me instantly.

Tread carefully Everly, you're still among monsters. 


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Veiled Light: Book 1 of Wicked Virtues SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now