Chapter 7

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The next day I promised Kisha that I would finish her chores around the house, allowing her to sneak off with her fiance for some alone time. Maybe I did it out of the goodness of my heart, or maybe I agreed to the favor just to prove that I had some goodness inside of me somewhere.

Either way I spent most of the day piddling around the cottage. I was surprised at how tired I was, or maybe I was just ready to stop cleaning. Either way my bed welcomed me like an old friend as I snuggled down beneath the multiple furs that kept me warm during the cold winter months.

My body gave into sleep almost instantly as I drifted to the sound of crackling fire and the whistle of wind beneath the threshold of the door.

"Ev." A voice tried to pull me from sleep, but I refused to budge.

"Everly." This voice was familiar and masculine, but it was distant and I was too tired to figure out who it belonged to.

"Ev, please."

A cold hand wrapped around my arm and shook me, forcing my half lucid mind into reality with a jolt as I quickly grabbed my knife with my free hand and brought it to the assailants throat.

"It's me! It's Liam" He wailed as I regained my senses.

"You scared me to death." I snapped, but Liam had completely tuned me out as he tried to force me out of my bed.

"You have to come with me." He insisted frantically.

Wait, where is Aiden? Why isn't he the one waking me up in the middle of the night?

"Where's Aiden?" My voice shook as I spoke the words, afraid of his response based on his panicked body language.

"They found us before we could ambush them. The hoard. It was bad Ev. We need you."

Liam pulled my arm until the blankets fell from my bed, leaving me standing in my undergarments.

His eyes went wide and bounced from my face down to my feet then back up again as he swallowed hard.

"Ev, I'm sorry." His apology was breathless, but his eyes were glued to my body, suddenly filled with lust.

Rolling my eyes at his sudden desire for me. I quickly covered myself and gathered some warm clothes knowing the only reason he was so attracted to me was because I was a nymph. Or at least I thought I was.

Liam seemed to be frozen in place and awestruck at the sight of my half naked body, so I moved around him, packing a bag as I quickly put on layer after layer of warm clothing.

"It's fine Liam. You didn't mean to." I snapped. "Now take me to Aiden. Is he okay?"

Shaking his head to rid himself of his sudden perceived feelings for me, Liam focused on my question and answered me as best he could.

"He's okay, but broke some bones in one of his arms. But the others...Everly, it's really bad."

"Then stop gawking at me and let's move." I whisper screamed at him, following him out the window as I jotted a quick note to my father so he wouldn't worry himself sick.

Snow crunched beneath our feet as Liam and I approached the stable and mounted two horses, riding off into the freezing night. The hours felt like days as we rode through the darkness, but before Liam could signal that we were close, the metallic tinge of blood engulfed my senses.

"Everly!" Aiden cried out, waving his good arm in the air to signal me as I dismounted my horse and took off running.

"We should have listened to you. There were too many of them." Aiden said, his teeth starting to chatter.

Veiled Light: Book 1 of Wicked Virtues SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now