Chapter 23

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Another sleepless night was followed by an overwhelmingly slow day. The anticipation for the sacrament was eating me alive and I found it difficult to concentrate on much else.

Ronan's description didn't sound as barbaric and uncivilized as I once thought. The idea of consent was comforting, but could I really lay with one of those monsters? What would be the consequence of refusing?

My mind swirled and my tired eyes blinked away my lack of sleep as daylight turned to dusk. Eating enough to gather my strength, I bathed and changed into a dress that had even less fabric to it than the night before. The high slit revealed most if not all of my thigh and the entire dress was in two pieces, exposing my mid section and cleavage.

"They will lose their minds over you." Jade gushed, proud of the dress she had designed herself.

Without giving me a chance to respond, Jade hurried me along, putting me in a very specific order at the back of the line. I readied my arms to carry some sort of food or drink, but was handed nothing.

"You are not serving tonight little beauty." Jade said with a smile that made my stomach churn.

As if on cue, the line began to move and we filed into the magically cloaked dining hall and arena that was packed to the brim with Thoracian warriors and spectators. Most were seated in the arena instead of in the dining hall, anxiously awaiting the drawing for the sacrament.

My eyes searched for a familiar face, but it was difficult to see through the sea of warriors.

Feeling alone and exposed, I felt my heart rate start to spike and my palms start to sweat. It was a level of adrenaline that was so intense that I started to tremble.

Easy little one. They're all here to see you.

Kaes' voice echoed from the outer corners of my distracted mind. Raising up on my toes I searched for him in the crowd, letting my senses find him before my eyes fell upon him. He was reclined casually, leaning to one side of an embellished chair and the side of his mouth raised into a sly grin as soon as my eyes met his.

For reasons I didn't quite understand, the sight of Kaes was comforting at the moment and I hated myself for that.

Ronan was seated one row above him with Talon sitting a few seats away.

Pushing out a nervous breath, I maintained control of the gates of my mind, pushing Kaes out along with any other beings who were trying to track me.

I took a seat along the edge of the arena on the first row, readying myself for what I was about to witness. Without wasting any time, a man stood in the center of the arena and spoke to the crowd loudly.

He walked over to the first cauldron making a grand gesture with his arm as he built up anticipation in the crowd. Letting my eyes sweep over the men in the arena, I watched as they went silent, sitting on the edge of their seats.

The man thrust his hand into the cauldron and pulled a round golden crest, holding it up on display as he turned in all directions. Without warning a man let out a howl of excitement and rose to his feet, pounding at his chest like an animal as he excitedly entered the ring. He walked toward a wall of smooth stones, each etched with one of the inked symbols on our arms. With his mind already made up, the man went for a stone that contained a delicate butterfly on it, holding it out as the crowd cheered loudly.

Looking down the aisle, I watched as a dark skinned beauty eloquently rose to her feet. She locked eyes with the warrior in the arena and the crowd became hushed.

Lowering her head, she gave a slight bow of approval before willingly entering the ring, causing the crowd to explode with hoots and hollers from the rest of the men. It was so loud I thought my ear drums might burst and covered them to muffle the noise.

It was much more intense than I had expected and I found it difficult to control my own wildly thumping heart.

The gorgeous nymph drank from a small cup and went weak at the knees before her chosen warrior slung her over his shoulder to a more intimate location. It was a sobering sight and I felt my stomach churn and drop to my toes.

The second round was even more intense, with a warrior chosen, then a nymph who willingly accepted his offer. I covered my ears as they left the arena and readied myself for what was to come next.

As the man hushed the wild crowd, he sauntered over to the cauldron for the final drawing. It was silent enough to hear a pin drop and the only sound I could hear was the pounding of blood between my ears.

Sending up a silent prayer as the man plunged his hand into the cauldron, I begged the Gods for intervention.

Place me where you see fit.

Closing my eyes as I silently begged the Gods for help, I jumped when I heard the crowd erupt with cheers and applause. When I opened my eyes, I surveyed the golden crest in his hand and saw the section of officers standing and cheering more loudly than they had before. It was then that I saw a familiar face slowly rise to his feet with a smile that made my heart stop.


Knowing the Gods had intervened on my behalf, I let out a shaky breath as I watched him walk down into the arena and toward the wall of stones. His eyes danced across the stones until they landed on the sun, my sun.

Plucking it from the wall, Thaddeus turned and held it on display for all to see, holding it up proudly as the crowd exploded with an approving roar.

Turning his attention toward me, I realized it was not up to me to enter the arena or reject the offer. I slowly rose to my feet, feeling like breathing was impossible at the moment. My eyes flicked over toward Ronan who had a deep scowl on his face as he watched me intently. Kaes' stare was equally as intense as the crowd went silent in anticipation of my decision.

It's now or never Everly, don't be a coward.

Tucking my chin, I slowly lowered my body into a small bow that electrified the men in the arena into an uproar of applause. I watched as Ronan's lips parted in brief disbelief before his stern angry expression returned.

Kaes wasn't smiling, but he wasn't scowling either, he simply sat back in his chair, watching me like a hawk as I entered the arena.

Thaddeus handed me a small cup, one that I knew would have no effect on me as I was impervious to poisons, but he didn't need to know that, neither did anyone else.

His strong arms pulled me close and I looked up at his handsome face.

Fate. It has to be fate. There is no other explanation. 

Veiled Light: Book 1 of Wicked Virtues SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now