26) kisses & panic attacks

Start from the beginning

"See, that's what I mean when I say that you only keep getting more awesome?" Steven asked, a wide grin spreading on his lips. When Brandon grumbled something incoherent under his breath and nudged his chest, Steven laughed and pulled him to his chest. "Seriously, thank you. I know it couldn't have been easy for you to entertain them."

Brandon snuggled against Steven, breathing in the familiar scent of his shirt, and Steven held him tight. His hand brushed the back of Brandon's head, and Brandon was content enough that he wanted to pur. Just for one moment it felt like everything was going to be okay, that Brandon actually deserved all Steven's praises and the care he drowned him in.

Then Brandon's phone started ringing, let out a frustrated sigh. Brandon dug out his phone, still standing only a step away from Steven, and read the caller ID from the screen. He showed it to Steven, who offered him a smile and backed away until he was leaning against the hallway wall, giving Brandon some privacy. 

"Brandon.." It was all Shirley had to say for Brandon to pick up the awful mood she was in. His smile dropped as he waited for Shirley to continue. Whatever she was about to say, wasn't going to be good. "He's back."

"Don't say that." Brandon gritted out, shaking his head even though Shirley couldn't see it. Dread was ice in his veins, stealing away every last drop of joy he still had in him from the kiss. He insisted, with a voice that didn't feel like it belonged to him: "They would have informed me."

"I called the district attorney's office, but apparently he has been relocated to another prison, and they couldn't yet tell where.. and they said something about some request form you should have filled, but.. I.." Shirley trailed off, taking in a sharp breath to collect her thoughts. "But that's not why I'm calling. You should come to your apartment right now."

"Why?" Brandon could only whisper, and he locked gazes with Steven across the hallway. The ease was gone from Steven's stance, and his smile was replaced with a worried frown. 

"Just come, fast. And.. Take Steven with you." Shirley demanded. "He's back, Brandon. Treyton is back and he's been to your apartment."

Brandon couldn't remember ending the call, or how he ended up on the floor. His breath came out in shallow huffs and he clung on Steven's shirt so desperately it was a miracle it didn't tear. Steven was asking him what was wrong, telling him it was going to be okay. Every gasp of breath tore something inside of Brandon, breaking down the illusions he had so carefully built to protect himself.

"I can't.. If.. I.." Brandon tried to get the words out, failing miserably. Steven pulled him into his arms, brushing his hair and back. He was doing his best to comfort Brandon, even as he couldn't possibly know what was going on. That was enough to calm Brandon to a point where he could get the next words out: "I thought I, we, had more time."

"More time to do what?" Steven murmured, his voice soft and warm like a caress, even as it was etched with worry.

"Shirley said that Trey.. Treyton is back.. and that.. that he's been to my apartment." Brandon managed to say with great effort. Saying Trey's name out loud chilled him to the bone and burned his skin, until he was certain he could feel his body aching, throbbing in pain.

The pain of the concrete floor, bruising his knees when he fell. The kicks into his ribs, the bloody knuckles colliding with his face. The words, all those horrible insults cutting deeper than any knife ever could. The pain of not knowing whether he was still a helpless child or a grown man, not in the face of another screaming, raging man, who still insisted on loving him.

"..athe, Brandon, breathe." Steven's voice cut through the memories, the only thing that could pull him out even from the darkest of thoughts. "I won't let anything bad happen to you ever again. You hear me? Never again. Whatever comes, we'll figure it out."

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