Without even a blink he ran towards the entrance but his other men stopped him as they tried to hold down the beast. "Sir there's no way in. It's all blocked. Please Boss,Sir won't be able to survive." His man tried to stop but their words only infuriated him as he growled loudly and jerked them away harshly.

He was raging as he held that man's collar and the man was almost in the air as Jungkook snarled. "If anything happened to him. I will burn each and every one of you alive!" He threw the man away harshly as he ran into the house.

The first floor wasn't that much on fire so it was easy for him to run up the stairs but on the second floor everything was burning down into ashes.

The whole corridor was burning, even the walls were ablaze. Extreme heat and smoke surrounds him as he was unable to see properly but still hurriedly moved towards his room.

As soon as he reached in front of the door, it was closed and was completely on fire. "Tae?" He screamed loudly but got nothing in reply. His heart frantic as he moved back and then hit the door with his foot once but the door didn't budge. It was locked.

Taehyung never locked the room!

His mind ran with millions of thoughts as he forcefully kicked the door again and this time it broke and as he was moving in the room. A long ablaze wood fell on his arm but the man just jerked it away as his eyes landed on his life on bed wrapped in fire.

His heart stopped beating as he looked at his love. He was unconscious as fire was on his foot and pajamas.


The man screamed loudly as he ran to his doll. A tear rolled down his eye as he immediately covered his burning foot to extinguish the fire and it worked.

He immediately checked his breathing and it was so faint as another tear rolled down his eye.

He can't let him die!

The bed was catching fire as he immediately shouldered the restroom door down as he hissed out in pain at the burning. He wet the blanket completely and came back.

He covered his wife completely in that wet blanket and then carried him form in bridal style.

A hiss escaped from his lips when his burned wound on shoulder got stretched. Ignoring the pain, he was about to pass the burning door frame.

He tilted sideways and just to protect his wife he touched his back to that burning door frame and hissed out in pain, but he was glad that he didn't get touch with it.

His back was burned badly as he carried him down the stairs, he was panting and coughing. His body giving up on him, but he can't stop, Not now.

Slowly he was out of the house, and he immediately yelled. "Call an ambulance!" In no time Aunt was beside him as he knelt with his wife still in his arms.

Aunt removed the blanket from Tae's face and cried out loudly after seeing the unconscious boy.

The ambulance came as he placed him on the stretcher and sat in the ambulance with his wife as he held his hand in his and kept on kissing it as mumbled soft, 'you'll be fine, I know.'

As soon as they reached the hospital the doctors weren't paying heed to them as he snarled. "I need a fucking doctor!" Everyone gasped as on cue a confused Jimin came out from the corridor and his eyes widened at the scene.

He immediately rushed to Jungkook and a certain relief washed over Jungkook's form after seeing Jimin.

Jimin didn't even ask any questions as he gave orders to staff and started moving Tae's stretcher to the operating room really fast.

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