|Chapter 39| Moving On

Start from the beginning

"Beta, try to listen to me. It's not what you think it is?"

But before she could say, I stated

"I don't need to hear anymore lies, mama. My life had already been filled with lies. Also, you won't juts say that you took that necklace back from the shop even if you haven't done that in reality."

She was tongue tied. She knew she had messed up. Her hung her head low before I asked her

"Tell me why did do it?"

My voice was desperate. I need to know the answers nows. It's too late that the truth came out but now that it had come out, I need the whole truth.

She gulped before stating

"I need to get rid of her."

She pointed in the direction of Shiza. She was still standing there but unexpectedly not even a trace of tear was on her face. Infact, a look of relief was pasted on her face. Like she was happy that the truth came out.

Trust me, darling, I'm as much as happy as you.

But a sickening feeling bubbled inside my stomach making me churn inside. How could mama stoop so low? Why did she hate Shiza so much?

I need answers of these so I again asked her

"Why did you hate her so much, mama? Tell me, what she's done wrong?"

Mama was quiet. She was not saying anything. What can she even say now? She hated Shiza for no particular reason. She just hated the thought of a middle class sharing the same roof as hers. All humans are equal.

There's no such thing as richer and poorer. We all made it by ourselves. I took a deep breath before making myself clear

"Mama, do you know your one lie destroy the life of Shiza? Do you not know how much difficult it is in this era to find a job? Yet you still accused her and fired her. Why did you do that? Tell me!"

She looked up finally before bursting out in anger

"Because she is a poor middle class girl. She has no right to live under the same roof as ours. She is a gold digger. She wants the luxuries."

Her tone contain so much venom that I almost didn't recognize her. I could hear Shiza gasping in the back. I am sure she didn't also expect so much hatred towards herself. Mama was taking deep breaths.

I couldn't recognize the person standing infront of me. She is not my mother. My mother would never belittle anyone. She would never treat anyone unfairly.

But the woman standing infront of me was the complete opposite. Her eyes shone with hatred and rage towards Shiza. She seemed to be in a trance.

I sighed before saying

"Mama, she is my wife. You have no right to say such bad words for her. Atleast respect your son's wife."

She just scoffed in response before muttering

"I will never respect her. She isn't worthy of it."

"You have no right to judge her worth. You got no right to devalue her, mama."

My voice rose at the end. I just couldn't control it. It's getting too much out of hand.

Mama looked at me in disbelief before saying

"Are you taking her side? Are you choosing her over your own mother?"

I scoffed before answering

"I'm just doing the right thing, mama. She is not a gold digger. She is the purest human I've ever met. She was always looking after everyone. She never once talk back to you even when you used to insult her infront of everyone. She is not what you think she is."

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