"Welcome to summer school everyone, my name is Skye Hart, you guys can just call me Ms.Hart, wow that sounds weird, never mind don't call me that just call me Skye." Skye said.

She didn't like the thought of people calling her Ms. She preferred her first name.

The same boy that had made inappropriate comments earlier raised his hand, "How old are you? Skye?" He asked.

Skye gave him another fake smile, "I don't feel comfortable telling you my age-"

"Why not? Am I too young for you?" He laughed and smacked the same guys shoulder, the boy just glared at him.

Skye fake laughed, "No, you're just not my type."

Snickers and laughter was heard throughout the classroom and the boy's smirk dropped. "What is your name?" Skye asked him.

"Zander." The boy answered.

"Well, Zander, I don't appreciate your little comments so if you keep them up then I'm gonna have to ask you to leave my classroom, and I'm assuming that you need this class hence why you're in summer school, so either you stop or you leave, your choice." Skye said sweetly.

If he weren't a student she would've tore him apart with her words.

Zander frowned and looked down at his desk, "Sorry." He mumbled.

"I accept your apology, now, on with the class." For the rest of the day she got new students periodically, and she taught them all the same thing. She learned that she was supposed to be teaching them about history.

Which was a problem because she hated history, she found it incredibly boring and now she was supposed to be teaching it. She hated history when she was in high school and now she was basically a history teacher.

She didn't even pay attention in that class so she was basically learning with the kids, she just read what she saw in the textbook the principal gave her to teach the kids with.

She had a few kids try to disrespect her throughout the day but she shut them down every time, she wasn't going to let some spoiled kids disrespect her. After work she went straight to the Curtis house so she could tell them about her boring day.

When she walked in the first thing she did was throw her purse onto the couch and she walked into the kitchen and plopped down at the kitchen table. "I hate kids." She mumbled.

Darry, who was cooking dinner, looked back at her with an amused smile. "How do you think I feel?" Skye just gave him a look and he laughed.

"I'm sure you'll get used to them, they're not all bad." Darry reassured her and Skye sighed. "I know, but they're so spoiled like my god what are they're parents teaching them?" Skye complained.

Darry just laughed at her while she complained, "I mean, several of them tried flirting with me too, like in what world is that okay?" Skye said.

"Who was flirting with you?" Steve asked as he walked into the kitchen, Soda right behind him.

"These spoiled ass kids, I hate teenagers man, I don't remember us being that annoying." Skye sighed. "Oh yeah, today was your first day as a teacher, huh?" Steve patted her shoulder.

"Yeah, and I hated every second of it, I hate the kids, I hate the material I'm teaching, I'm probably gonna quit by the end of the week." Skye mumbled.

"What did those kids say exactly when they were flirting with you?" Soda asked, he leaned against the kitchen counter with his arms crossed.

Skye rubbed her temple with her fingers and she mumbled, "What do you care."

Both Darry and Steve raised their eyebrows at the girls response and Soda's jaw clenched, "I was just asking." He grumbled and walked off to his room. Skye watched him walk away with a guilty look in her eyes, she sighed and leaned back against the chair.

"Little harsh Skye." Steve said.

"I know, I'm sorry, I'm just tired and extremely annoyed, should I go apologize?" She asked both Steve and Darry.

The boys glanced at each other and nodded, "Yeah, that's a great idea, you should definitely apologize." Steve urged her on.

Skye glanced at Darry who nodded, Skye sighed and stood up, "Fine, I'll go apologize." She mumbled and walked away.

Steve stood next to Darry, "You think they'll ever get back together?" He asked the man. Darry smiled softly and nodded.

"I do, they're meant for each other, they just don't know it yet."

I love Darry, he's definitely Soda and Skye's #1 shipper

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