Another A/N for the underwater fairytale rewrite

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Hi everyone.

Did you enjoy reading my underwater fairytale rewrite?

Don't worry about the characters.

Things will get better in some next scenes (parts).

On my original underwater fairytale, it was an hour and a half long story.

I am determined to write it longer.

For what I wrote so far, including the notes, it's nearly two hours.

I don't have the exact length of reading to my underwater fairytale rewrite.

Rewriting my underwater fairytale has given me so much time.

I think writing scene by scene is better than to write it by chapters of each part.

It's hard to rewrite an underwater fairytale.

There are quotes you wanna keep.

Quotes that need to be rewritten.

And adding new characters is harder than it looks.

Once I have try to figure out the character I'm writing about, the more story I rewrite gets interesting.

You got Princess Lucia who had not fallen in love before.

The prince who was jealous is about to get redeemed.

The prince with red hair whose thinks Lucia is the princess for him.

Paula who is sweet and innocent (and supports Prince Magnum for his decisions and what he can do to help the princess).

The two white witches who thought they are helpful.

One seal with dark grey skin who thinks he's gonna win Lucia.

Another seal with white and black spots fur who helps the two princes (Magnum and Lucas).

Lucas is Lucia's twin brother.

Magnum is the prince who thought he saved Lucia.

The cerulean merman named Lucien.

And his mother, the purple mermaid, Pearl.

The quote I wrote really makes sense between humans and merpeople.

Merfolk can't fall in love with humans

I can't lie. I figured that one works for my underwater fairytale rewrite there.

I have ideas for the next scenes before.

The good question is about Princess Lucia's choice.

If Lucia rather have a prince on land to kiss her to be human again.

Or have the merman kiss the princess to be a mermaid forever.

That's gotta be a tough call here.

How Marcus is going to save Sandra from Nero will be harder.

Whether my underwater fairytale rewrite is good or not...

It's just entertainment.

Now let me ask you readers a question.

Should I continue or should I create a part two of my underwater fairytale rewrite?

It's almost two hours.

Two hours is a long read.

And should I do shorter scenes next time?

Thank you, everyone.

Have a good summer readers.

Will add a short note soon.

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