Chapter 32: Her only friend

Start from the beginning

"Well, I have right for my secrets, for some kind of privacy, you know?"

Ethan fell silent for a moment, his gaze fixed on me as if trying to unravel the mystery.

"I have known you for two months already and we haven't even started dating!"

"We are not obliged to, Ethan. Let's just enjoy each other's company as friends. The outcome will unfold naturally."

Without another word, he just turned and left my house, his frustration evident in his departing footsteps. Sorry, Ethan, but unveiling my magical world to you would only complicate things further. It's better this way, for both of us.

That evening, as I settled into my cozy room, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of curiosity about Mia's diary. It had been quite a while since I last indulged in the secrets and stories hidden within those pages. I glanced at the diary sitting on my desk, its worn cover and faded ink beckoning me.

I always love reading these words flowed across the paper, Mia's handwriting capturing her emotions and adventures in vivid detail

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I always love reading these words flowed across the paper, Mia's handwriting capturing her emotions and adventures in vivid detail.

Let it continue.

December 1, 1968

Dear Diary!
Today was a turning point at this new school. I met someone who has the potential to change my social life. Her name is Emberlynn, and she's a year older than me, but that didn't seem to matter to her at all. It was like she saw beyond the labels and simply wanted to be my friend.

You see, Diary, I've been feeling incredibly lonely since we moved to this new town. Starting at a new school was tough, and I felt like an outsider in a sea of unfamiliar faces.

During our lunch break, Emberlynn asked if I wanted to join her and a few other friends at their table. I hesitated at first, afraid of intruding on their established group dynamics. But Emberlynn insisted, assuring me that her friends were welcoming and that I would fit right in. So, with a flutter of excitement and anticipation, I joined them.

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