Ch 31: Kuwabara's Bright Idea!!!

Start from the beginning

"He-ey, WATCH IT!!" Yusuke shouted as Kuwabara damn neared skewered him with the sword.

"You see what I've learned, Uremeshi? I don't gotta use the tip of that wooden sword to make it work anymore! Heheh! It's just my pure energy, and I bet it could kick the crap out of your spirit gun!!"

The detective flipped him a rude gesture, and glared in response.
"That depends on which finger I use!"

"Well! As it turns out, he's only partially useless." Hiei scoffed, which only set the boy off more.

"OKAY!!! WANNA DIE???" Kuwabara screeched, and wielded the sword, though Hiei didn't move except to grin.

"I dare you."

The words were so simple, and spoken in a beckoning manner, but Yumiko cringed at that grin. 'Now that's creepy...' She thought aloud, and both Kurama and Maru nodded once in agreement.

"HEEEEEEYY!" Yusuke yelled, hands up between the two bickering boys, and Kuwabara jumped back again.

"Yeah, yeah... let 'em live... I'm pretty sure he'll be saying sorry after he sees what else I can do!"

He took up a new position, lifting the sword into the air, and cried,


And it did.

"Wow, it even comes with a spear attachment..." Yusuke and Yumiko both said sarcastically, but their tones were lost on the boy.

"I can make it any size I want it to be!"

Yumiko snorted again, and turned away as Kurama shot her a look that said "don't say it..."

"I know when Genbu showed up, I got a little, what's the word... FREAKED! But that's not gonna happen from now on my friends, because Kuwabara's got the good stuff!!! Ngh, Gyuhhh..."

Yumiko gasped, and shot forward as Kuwabara fell over, just managing to catch his head before it slammed into the rock floor. Yusuke looked about ready to panic when the oaf spoke.

"Don't worry guys, just sometimes, the sword makes me a little dizzy..."

Before Yumi could even growl at the idiot, Yusuke's face was inches from them both. "You're not making us look good!!" He growled, just before a ringing filled the passage.

He backed off, allowing Yumiko to help the pompadour back to his feet, then opened the device to a frantic Botan.

"Yusuke!! You've got to hurry!!"


Botan quickly sprayed the child she had just knocked out, then turned back to the communicator, her eyes half panicked.

It seemed like hours had passed since she had run into Shizuru and the others! She had convinced her and Kenji to take the others back to Tyler's pub, and barricade themselves inside. Hopefully, three people able to see the insects would be able to keep them safe as she continued to work in the streets.

"Listen Yusuke, I think the Saint Beasts have launched another wave of insects. I found a whole batch by an elementary school!!"

"They're taking over kids now?? I thought you said these insects only like to take over the minds of depressed people!"

"Well, that's because depressed people are more easily influenced. The same is also true for children, but if the bugs get into them, then I'm afraid... UWAAH!!"

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