Chapter Twelve

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After getting dressed, she went to the bathroom door and knocked.
"You coming outside?" Engfa asked awkwardly.
"No, I think I'll stay here for some minutes," Charlotte said.
Engfa understood and went outside.

The moment Engfa came outside, she saw her teammates arguing on something.p
"How could I possibly know, what the fuck they were doing?" Nudee screamed at both her Teammates.
Engfa cleared her throat, making all of the attention fall on her.
"What are you doing in my house," Engfa asked, confused.
"Well, she brought us here," both Meena and Cherine said, pointing towards Nudee.
Engfa looked at her best friend, who was not even able to look at her.
"I thought since you were not in the office. We should come to your house to tell you something important," Nudee said, looking at the opposite direction from Engfa.
"And I definitely didn't expect to find you in that condition," Nudee said almost laughing.

"What is the important thing you wanted to say ?" Engfa asked.
"We have tracked the last guy who bullied Charlotte, and since we know that he is the next to die. We should go there and catch Keane, " Meena said.
"Where is he ?" Engfa asked.
"Well, he isn't in the city, but he is coming at the afternoon in the opening of his new bar," Cherine said, handing Engfa the photographs of his new bar.
"We should go there," Engfa said.

"Yay !! Let's go partying. " Nudee exclaimed.
"What the actual fuck is wrong with you? We are going to catch the killer, not party, " Engfa said to her friend.

" Let Keane kill him first, and then only we will catch him," Engfa suggested.
Everyone looked at her, shocked.
"Well, he assaulted Charlotte. I will not let that jerk live one more day. If Keane doesn't kill him today, I'll kill him
myself, " Engfa said, clenching her fists.
"You really love her, don't you?" Nudee asked, smiling.
"And this time I'm willing to risk it all," Engfa said, looking at their bedroom door.

"The bar will get opened on 6pm, so let's disguise ourselves and go there," Meena suggested. Engfa nodded.
"I want everyone in my house by 5pm, understood?" Engfa said.
Everyone nodded to their boss and went outside.
But before Engfa could close the door, Nudee stopped her and said, "Next time, close your door. I don't wanna be traumatised again, " and left before Engfa could slam the door at her.

Engfa went to their bedroom smiling and found Charlotte sitting there watching out of the window. She was waving bye to Nudee and others.
"Wanna join us?" Engfa asked.
"Where?" Charlotte questioned.
"There's a new bar opening tonight, and maybe you can also join us." Engfa said.
Charlotte nodded.
"I was thinking if we could continue -" but before Engfa could finish her sentence, Charlotte cut her off.
"Nooo," she said and opened the T.V.
"I'm not in the mood, now." Charlotte said, going to the bed and wrapping herself in the blanket.
Engfa smiled and went inside the blanket as well.
"Can we cuddle, then?" Engfa asked, pouting.
"I'd like that," Charlotte said, placing a gentle kiss on her lips.
Now, both of them were watching cartoons and cuddling.
"I'm sorry, babe. I didn't know they would come. " Engfa apologised.
"Please, I don't want to remember that," Charlotte said, placing her hands on her hand.
Engfa couldn't stop herself from laughing by remembering Nudee's shock expressions, and soon Charlotte also joined. Now they both were cracking up.
They both had a good laugh before going to sleep.

Engfa woke up when Charlotte was shaking her.
"Wake up ! We're gonna be late, " Charlotte said.
Engfa tiredly opened her eyes, and it took her a good minute to fully get awake.
"Wear this one" Charlotte said throwing a dress to Engfa.
"No, I don't wear dresses," Engfa tried to reason.
But Engfa couldn't resist when she saw Charlotte doing her puppy eye and pouting.
Engfa took the dress and then went to the bathroom, and Charlotte got ready on the main room.
After a few minutes, Engfa stepped out in  the black dress.
Charlotte had literally begged Engfa to wear that dress, and Engfa did.
She had a little bit of makeup on, and she left her hair straight.
When she stepped outside, she again fell in love with Charlotte all over again.
Charlotte was wearing a red dress. She had a messy hairbun and a little makeup as well. Charlotte laughed, looking at how Engfa was staring at her.
"What ?" She said and turned around to be shocked herself.
She had seen Engfa in a dress for the first time, and it made her so happy.
"Oh my god! You are beautiful, " Charlotte said before going to hug Engfa.
"I could say the same, but you look much better than me." Engfa shrugged it off.
Charlotte denied it as Engfa did look drop dead gorgeous in it.
"I have something for you," Engfa said and pulled out a jewellery box.
She opened it, and there were two necklaces there. It was a heart-shaped necklace with both of their names written in it.
Charlotte was very thankful for the gift.
"But I have nothing for you," Charlotte pouted.

"All this nothing means more to me than so many somethings," Engfa said and kissed gently on her forehead.
"I love you," Charlotte whispered.
"Love you too," Engfa said before kissing her.
Then suddenly there was a knock on their door.
"I'll go get them," Charlotte said and left.
Engfa turned around and picked up her gun just in case.
As soon as Engfa came outside, she heard many gasps.
She shyly looked up and saw Meena and Cherine were left speechless.
Nudee was late as she was having trouble with her heels, but as soon as she came inside, her eyes were about to fall outside.
She opened her mouth in shock for some time and turned towards Charlotte, and grabbed her.
"What have you done to my friend?" she asked shaking Charlotte, making everyone laugh.
"Stop it, guys," Engfa said shyly.
"You truly do look beautiful," Charlotte said, making Engfa blush.
Her cheeks turned red, and Nudee was again trying to acknowledge what her friend had turned into.
"All these years of being your friend, but yet how come this be the first time I see you in dress?" Nudee whispered to Engfa.
Engfa laughed, and everyone went outside.
Nudee was driving, Engfa was on the passenger's seat while Charlotte, Meena and Cherine were on the backseat.
All the way Engfa was stealing glances of her girl through mirror.
Everytime she heard Charlotte giggle or laugh, she would look at the mirror and gaze her.
Charlotte definitely knew Engfa was looking at her so she winked at the mirror out of the blue making Engfa blush.
"Damn, this girl will kill me someday," Engfa whispered to herself.
"Engfa, why are you turning red ? Are you ill?" Nudee asked teasingly.
"I think I need some fresh air," Engfa said, opening her window ignoring Nudee's question.
"Let's see how far you can ignore me," Nudee thought to herself while looking at her phone suspiciously.

Soon they reached the bar. Everyone came out of the car and Charlotte was still inside the car as she was in the middle of meena and Cherine.
Engfa rushed to grab the door for Charlotte from one hand and held another hand for Charlotte.
"Thank you,babe," Charlotte said, holding Engfa's hand and kissing it as she came out.

"What a gentlewoman," Cherine said looking at Meena. Suddenly, Meena also held Cherine's hand and kissed it.
"You look wonderful, m'lady," Meena said.
Everyone of them were surprised.
"What the fuck ! Why is everyone in a relationship all of a sudden" Nudee exclaimed.
"I definitely knew something was going on between you," Charlotte said.
"Well that was a total shock for me," Engfa said.

"Why am I the only single," Nudee screamed at the sky,making everyone laugh.
"Probably because God has someone special for you," Charlotte tried to calm Nudee down.
Suddenly there was a laughing sound out of nowhere, which made Nudee even more sad.
"Even the god is laughing at me, " Nudee said,trying to wipe away her fake tears.

"Stop this drama, and let's go inside," Engfa said. Pulling Nudee on the middle of her and Charlotte. Charlotte didn't had any problem with that.
They went inside and the moment they went inside, Engfa froze at her spot.

"I'll fucking kill you" Engfa said turning towards Nudee.

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