Chapter Eight.

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"We need to find out the truth. Let's go and question Charlotte, " An officer said. said.
He was there with them throughout the school investigation.
"But, I don't think she is behind all of this" Cherine said.
"Agent Engfa, what are you thinking?" The officer said.
Engfa didn't like the idea of questioning Charlotte. Charlotte was innocent.
But all the dots were leading to her.
"What if she's innocent?" Engfa questioned them. Everyone stayed silent.
"Well, then Let's go to her home and search for evidences" the officer said.
Engfa was really annoyed by him but reluctantly agreed.
They all left for Charlotte's house.
All the way, Engfa could only think about losing someone, she just started loving. She couldn't even picture Charlotte killing a bug let alone murdering three people.

Soon they reached Charlotte's house.
Engfa couldn't even bring herself to open the door feeling that Charlotte might get hurt knowing that they were suspecting her.
Then suddenly the officer came from behind and burst opened the door.
Everyone went inside. Everyone started to search the entire house, so did Engfa.
Engfa found an old box beneath a bed.
She pulled it outside, opened it and then fell onto the floor. She was not expecting what she saw.
The box was full of Charlotte's childhood pictures. The same group photo was also there. Engfa now started having second thoughts. Nudee entered the room and was shocked by the things engfa had found.
"I can't believe it," Nudee exclaimed.
Engfa's hand were shaking when she found more photos and a letter which was written by blood.
"Fuck you, Loser" was written in the letter and nothing else.
Engfa's whole little new world shattered. The office came inside the room and saw the box.
"She is the killer !" He said and took the box away with him.
"Where are you going ?" Engfa asked him. "To arrest her" he answered.
Engfa nodded and went to her bike.
She told the officer to follow her.
"I still think she is not the killer" Meena said to Cherine and Nudee.
Engfa didn't spoke a word during the ride as she felt lost again.
Soon they reached her house.
"But you can't even lay a finger on her" Engfa warned him before opening the gate. He nodded and went inside.
"Engfa, are you alright ?" Cherine asked her making all of her friends attention go to Engfa.
"Yeah, I'm fine" she said.
But before anyone could say anything they heard a huge bang and Charlotte's scream.
Engfa rushed inside.
She saw that Charlotte was in the ground struggling, while the officer was trying to handcuff her.
Engfa took out her gun and placed it in his head.
"I warned you to not touch her, you fucking idiot" Engfa scolded him.
Charlotte was left on the floor gasping for air.
Engfa tried approaching her but Charlotte pushed her away making some photos of her childhood to fly out of Engfa's pocket.
Charlotte looked at the pictures that were scattered around her, "you went inside my house?" She asked engfa.
Engfa couldn't even look at her. She had her head down all the time.
"Why?" Charlotte questioned again.
"Because, we know that you are the killer!" The officer shouted.
Charlotte froze on the ground.
"They bullied you and now you are taking revenge by killing them" he said again.
"I'm not the killer" Charlotte said, her voice cracking up.
"Then explain why you never told us, that you used to live here before " engfa asked.
Charlotte couldn't believe that engfa wasn't believing her.
Nudee, Cherine and Meena felt sorry for Charlotte.
"Enough guys, you are scaring her with the guns in your hands" Nudee said taking the guns away.
"Why?" Engfa asked again but this time she shouted.
"Because, I wanted to leave all of these in the past. I didn't wanted to remember how I almost died just because I was different" Charlotte said tears flowing through her eyes.
"But why did they bully you?" Engfa asked again.
"Because I was half British and half Thai.  They thought it was cool, to torture me so much that I didn't want to go school anymore. I was scared to wake up everyday" Charlotte said crying harder.
Charlotte wiped her tears and opened her shirt, revealing all of the scars she got due to them.
Everyone was speechless.
"I did have the thought to kill them. All of them. I wanted to end them, for ruining my life. For playing games in my body. For melting candles in my skin. For hitting me with cricket bats. For ripping my hair off. For drowning me in the pool. For assaulting me. For almost killing me by beating me to the point where I couldn't even move. I wished for them to die, every second of my life but I didn't do anything because, I have alread left them in the past." Charlotte cried.
"So, you're not the killer, right?" Engfa asked for confirmation.
"No, I'm not, I didn't kill them. For gods sake please, " Charlotte cried.
The officer went outside and came inside with the box.
He threw it in the ground making everything scatter around the floor.
"Why did you do that?" Nudee scolded him.
Charlotte helplessly started gathering all her memories. "They were my childhood, why did you ruin them" Charlotte asked the officer in a very low tone.
Engfa couldn't stop herself and slapped the officer hard on his face. It left his cheek all red. He fumed and went outside.
Engfa kneeled down and started gathering the stuffs.
Nudee and others also helped her.
Charlotte thanked all of them for their help and locked herself in the room, she was staying at.
"I felt bad for those victims till now, but now I think they deserved it" Nudee said.
"Poor thing has been through a lot" Meena said.
"But, engfa why were you so harsh on her? You could see she was getting destroyed but yet you chose to question her and destroy her even more" Meena said to engfa.

Few minutes later Charlotte came outside. She had packed her stuffs and was going. Engfa grabbed her hands and asked her where she was going.
"I'm going back to my house" Charlotte said.
"Why?" Engfa asked.
"You don't trust me. You doubted me.
How can I stay with you, knowing that you don't even have a little bit trust on me" Charlotte told engfa.
"It is not safe there" Engfa tried to reason.
"I'd rather die than stay here with you" Charlotte said and pulled her hands out of Engfa's grab and went outside the door.
"I thought things could get different between us, but I was wrong." Charlotte said looking back at Engfa and left.
Engfa fell on the floor crying.
"How could I do this ? How could I destroy our relationship? How could I act this way?" Engfa questioned herself.
But it was too late.
Charlotte had already left leaving her alone.
Engfa was left alone once again.

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