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There is something I must know. It's my son, who lives in the God of War's home for now. I find his existence curious. It is so unlike me to fraternize, and even more so, to create a child.

A mutt. A half-breed.

So while Moria sleeps, I take to the seas, finding Slade's temple, and slipping in. He is easy to locate of course, his energy is almost exactly like mine. He also sleeps.

Like a human.

I stared down at him. His skin is pale, his lashes long and dark, like mine. He looks so much like me, I wonder briefly if he's a part of me I forgot split off. I suppose in a way, he is.

I reach out hesitantly, to touch him. His eyes fly open, gills flapping rapidly, his small hand enclosing around my wrist. I smile.

"What reflexes you have for a half-breed." I remark.

He cocks his head, his eyes glowing a bright blue. "You are not the father I met before. Who are you?"

I smirk. "Who am I? You're even preceptive. Look at that."

I pick him up, holding him by his foot as I inspect him.

"Put me down you bastard."

And feisty too. "Both you and your mother have such irreverent mouths. If I were in a worse mood I'd kill you both."

He frowns. "Touch my mother and I'll kill you bastard!"

I frown back. "You're exactly like her. So me on the outside and her on the inside? You're like an ill prepared pastry."

He wriggles, like a little water snake, trying to escape me. I let him drop, wrapping a pillar of water around him to hold him while I complete my inspection.

So interesting. He's quite small too, which is a bit odd. I lift his arm. No fins.

"Let me go!"

The door opens. I sniff, both don't bother to glance back. "I am merely inspecting my offspring, god of war. No need for such a wrathful scent. He's alive."

"The child is under my care. Release him, Youin."

I glance back, trying to contain the glow in my eyes. A war with the god of war while I'm split in two is not the most advantageous.

But I doubt I'd lose.

"He may be placed under your care by his mother, but he is my property. I will leave shortly, stand there if you'd like."

Slade crosses his arms. "You aren't yourself."

I scoff. "So I've heard." I continue my examination. I thought perhaps he were not mine, or a clone, of some sort. But no. He is offspring.

My offspring.

A wife. A child. Who does Youin think he is? Human? No wonder he's so weak.

"You meany!"

I roll my eyes and turn around, facing Slade. "Any water powers?"

Slade shakes his head. "If he has them he does not know how to use them."


"Mama," he cries.

Something inside me resonates. I touch my chest. What was that? That rumbling?"

"Stop that noise," I chastise him swiftly.

"Mama," He cries again. "Mommy help me mommy!"

I cover his mouth. Oh...I think she would've heard that. Felt it. It would be...troublesome if she and Youin would prevent me from my inspection.

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