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My lungs are heavy. My stomach has turned. Every bone of body creaks. I haven't felt them in a while. I am resolving, to die with my son. I can't outrun his father forever. The trip to Slade's temple is quick, as always. His blessing makes moving through water even easier.

Slade greets me at the door. Calder runs out, putting his arms me, firing questions at me nonstop. Slade looks at me in quiet contemplation. It's troublesome the inclination of the gods. They know. They just know everything. They can get to the heart of it.

He shuts the door behind me, and waves me in quietly for a cup of tea, sitting at the head of a large and mostly empty table. Where is his family, I wonder. Last time I sat at this table they were all here. Chattering and laughing. Calder runs off again, content now that I'm here to continue playing.

"You seem to have lost the resolve to live," he murmurs into his teacup.

I look at him and smile. "I...think it may be better for my son and I...to take our leave. Frankly, Youin is more than I can handle."

Slade hums, and closed his eyes. "He will not be pleased. And I cannot assist you in your endeavor. It would mean war."

I smirk. "Isn't that good for you?"

He chuckled softly. "I have come to think of him as a friend. So...no. Not in this instance."

I nod, and set my tea down. "Then I must go to another temple."

Slade sighs. "I do not wish to help you for, Captain Moria. I think it would be a shame for you to disappear. You serve a purpose after all."

Heh. I serve a purpose huh? Well...maybe I'm tired of serving. Was never my strong suit. I didn't want to be here. I wanted to die. From the very start, I wanted to let go.

"I appreciate all you've done for me so far," I whisper, bowing my head slightly. "Slade, God of War. My gratitude is end—"

"I wanted to die once." He says abruptly, his red eyes still hidden behind his lids.

"I'm sorry?" I whisper.

His lips quirk up. "I wanted to die. I had just met Monika, and though I loved her and knew it would devastate her...I could not help but wish for a moments peace. I lost my cruelty. And without it, I found myself unable to reconcile my existence to my self. So I wanted to die. And I achieved that goal."

He sets his tea cup down. "But at the price of my wife's peace of mind. And to this day, she is plagued with nightmares about the things I made her do. Forced her to endure."

Slade taps his fingers against the table, as if thinking. Though he looks 35 at the oldest, he has such a fatherly air to him. It's odd, because Youin is older than him. Still...in his presence, I always feel...small and young. Like a child.

His long black hair is pulled back. He continues tapping his fingers.

"Uncle Slade! Look!"

I stand, the teacup clattering on the table. "Calder! You can't address him that way! He's the god of War!"

Slade just smiled, and stands. "I asked him to address me that way. Saying the whole title is so stiff isn't it?" He puts his hand on my shoulder and kneels down to my son, ruffling his blue hair, and commending his sword skills.

What can I give him in this world? Not a father. Or stability. Or safety. I only offer death. What kind of mother am I?

I look away, as Slade takes his seat once more. "Moria, you should go to Youin. It isn't like him to neglect his duties for so long. Something has happened...hasn't it?"

I nod softly.

Slade smiles softly. "Go to him. Calder will be fine with me. Try one more time. Just once more and see if you can resolve it," he offers.

The roses that surround this palace look...fuller than they used to. And so, in a way, does he.

"Where's Monika?" I whisper.

Slade stiffens and smiles. "Well...she is here. Resting. Events of the past take their toll on her and sometimes...she sleeps. For a few years at the most. Soon, she will completely forget the Great War. But the mark on her soul will remain. And so I will wait here, until she awakes."

His finger rounds the lid of the humorous small cup. "May I give you some advice?" He asks softly.

I think the balance mixed up Slade and Youin's personalities. Slade should be the raging beast that Youin is, and Youin should be the calm, polite gentle giant that Slade is. But alas...I just give him a nod.

"I'll speak for Monika. Love is a wonderful, wonderful feeling. It's a tool. It's a strength. It's a weakness. It can be...a powerful ally. It can heal. But it cannot cure all of your ills. And when you keep trying to force it to perform functions it cannot, it will die."

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