Begin Your Descent

Start from the beginning

"There's a spot here where we laid her to rest. That's why we're going. That's where Hannah is," Garin said.

"I was watching from Hell, Garin. I saw everything. That spot has nothing there but bad memories. No one was laid to rest because there was nothing left of her," Sader said rather coldly.

"I wouldn't expect you to understand," Garin said and kept walking.

"And why wouldn't I understand, huh? Because I'm just a demon who knows nothing about love?" Sader shouted after him.

Garin angrily spread his hands and his wings sprouted out of his back. He jumped into the air and flew off.

"It's about time," Sader said as he realized that the dampener grenade's effects had finally worn off.

He also released his wings and flew after Garin so they could reach Hannah at the spot she was at.


It was nighttime in the sky as the plane hovered through American airspace and most people on the aeroplane were asleep and that included Josh and Isabelle.

Each row in the plane had three seats so they were arranged with Josh seated at the end, Isabelle in the middle seat and Cleo in the last seat closest to the window.

While the couple slept, the young woman that they had just met was still awake and she was scribbling with a pen on a sketchbook. She was playing some loud classical music in her headphones and was moving her hand very quickly as she drew in the book.

Cleo was completely focused on what she was drawing and the sound of her pen scraping the surface of the book got Isabelle to wake up.

"I'm so sorry! Was I being too loud?" Cleo said to Isabelle after she took off her eye mask and opened her eyes.

She turned off the music on her phone and took off the headphones.

"No, it's okay. I guess I wasn't that deep into my slumber," Isabelle said jokingly.

"I'm guessing you aren't tired?" She asked the young woman.

"I, uh, have a medical condition that makes me hyperactive at night and I barely ever sleep at night. It's a quite rare condition and because of it, I sleep mostly during the day and I'm always awake at night," Cleo said.

"Wow! I'm sorry to hear that," Isabelle apologized.

"You don't have to be sorry. Most people think it's a bad condition but I have to admit, it's been pretty good," Cleo admitted.

"How so?"

"You see, the upside to my condition is that when I'm awake at night, my brain power also increases and it allows me to focus intently on whatever task I set for myself. I'm an artist. I draw, sketch, paint and sculpt and I've made quite a fortune from doing so because of my condition.

"Every piece of art I've ever made was created at night while most people were asleep and it's made me pretty successful in my field. Where people see a fault, I see a gift and I've made the most of it," Cleo said.

"Wow! That's pretty incredible. Can I take a look?" Isabelle asked and gestured at Cleo's sketchbook.

"Sure thing," she handed the book to her.

Isabelle flipped through the pages and was astounded by the drawings that filled them. There were all sorts of portraits of people, animals and objects which were drawn so beautifully that her mouth was left agape.

"Oh my gosh, Cleo. These are amazing! You're pretty talented. Did you draw all of this from your head?" Isabelle asked.

"Kind of! The thing is that I also have a photographic memory and basically, whatever I see, I study in my head and when I get home, I draw it out on a canvas or a page,"

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