8 ¦ Is it over?

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Minho looked up from his computer as he heard the familiar footsteps of his supervisor approaching the room. He already started grinning with anticipation because he couldn't wait to drop the news to him.

"Look who has finally arrived!" Minho greeted sarcastically, dropping his pen on his wooden desk and glaring extra meaner. "Are you done having fun without me? I have a life too in case you haven't noticed."

Changbin rolled his eyes and placed his bag on the floor. "Good morning to you too, Minho. I rather have fun with the people who don't bully me every day"

"That sounds like a problem from your perspective."

Changbin started his computer and ran a hand through his hair. Minho was a great colleague, but sometimes he was really testing his patience. Just sometimes. "Okay, no free coffee for two weeks for you"

14 days without free caffeine? Sounded like hell to Minho. Not that he couldn't afford it by himself, but free is always a win. Especially from the fructose father Seo Changbin.

Raising his eyebrows, Minho quickly sat up straight. "Can we go back to talk about work please?"


"Hyunjin and I went to visit Kim Seungmin's home yesterday", Minho began, sitting with Hyunjin and Changbin in a meeting room. The room was maybe too bright for holding a meeting early in the morning, but that wasn't a priority right now.

Minho shuffled some papers and documents together to make them even. "And guess what we found?"

Hyunjin placed a transparent plastic bag on the table, inside a pair of keys. "Mr. Kim or his brother, owned the apartment keys of the victim. If you look closely, there are marks of blood as well"

Changbin squinted his eyes to get to see the blood marks. Leaning back in his chair, he asked, "And did you check whose blood that is?"

"Presumably from the victim, but we will send it today to the laboratory to be sure" Hyunjin explained, his eyes not leaving Changbin's.

"Good, thanks Hyunjin" Changbin noted, "what did you do with Seungmin then?"

"We arrested him" Minho spat amused, grinning from one ear to the other. Arresting people was his favourite part of the job. He will never forget the first time he had arrested a teenager for drug abuse.

"What really?" Changbin tilted his head, "but you don't even know if he was the one who took the keys or his brother?"

Even if Yang Jeongin was nowhere to be seen, it didn't mean that he couldn't have been the killer, obviously.

"Oh of course it was him, Hyunjin, tell him what you have found out" Minho answered, crossing his arms proudly over his chest.

Changbin looked over to Hyunjin, who owned as well a little smirk. "I had the idea to check the civil registry. The reason why Jeongin has not been seen, was because he died from Pancreatic cancer 4 years ago."

Changbin's eyes widened. "What-?"

Hyunjin nodded, already expecting the reaction from the elder. Taking out a document from his folder, he added, "And I went to look up Seungmin as well. I found out in his personal dossier, that he suffers from DID, uhh dissociative identity disorder."

Changbin raised an eyebrow, completely surprised by this news. Now that explains why Seungmin always assumed his brother was still alive, and why Felix never had met him.

"So it just had to be him" Minho concluded, a sigh in his voice to hear. "We have found several crimes records in his registry from the past as well, that happened while he was reliving in his other altered personalities."

"Meaning, he could have committed this crime as well" Hyunjin added quickly.

Changbin exhaled loudly as he took out a pen to write down some notes. This was a lot of news for him, he first of all had to process it a little. But it was pretty obvious now who had committed the homicide.

"Where is Kim Seungmin now?" he asked, glancing between the other two investigators.

"In his temporary cell, protesting here and there." Minho raised his arms to sarcastically mimic the mentioned man. "I'm not guilty, let me go!" He and Hyunjin began to laugh out loud, while Changbin just shook his head.

"Well, you two have done a good job then, especially you Hyunjin. I guess we just have to inform the victim's family and conclude the case", Changbin finally announced, kind of excited that the whole thing was over. He couldn't wait to assure Felix about the outcome and tell him he didn't need to worry anymore. It just seemed too good to be true.

The three men left the room and went back to their desks. Now it was time to write the endless long reports and annoying protocols about what had happened in the last three weeks.

"A package for you, Mr. Lee", a young woman, who was also the assistant of Bang Chan, approached Minho with a box. "And a letter for you too, Mr. Seo" The woman placed the letter on Changbin's desk.

"Oh, I have been waiting for this!" Minho laughed, tearing open the package and taking out a sparkling object. Carefully, he placed it on his desk.

"Did you really get that Chinese waving cat?" Changbin snorted, not believing Minho's silliness. To that, Minho immediately frowned offended.

"First of all, it's Japanese, and second of all, it's a lucky charm! You should get educated more with the lack of brain cells yours!"

Changbin shook his head and opened the letter he got sent. It seemed weird that there was no sender's address, but maybe it was just an advertisement.

As he opened it, he realized the content of the letter wasn't a piece of paper. A shiver ran down his spine and at the sight, Changbin's heart dropped in his stomach. He held his forehead as he realized what it actually was.

"You good?" Minho asked, seeing the shocked expression on the other.

Changbin gulped a big amount of saliva. Fuck, this was not good.

A chunk of 4-inch-long hair was inside the letter, and Changbin immediately could tell from the minty scent and texture, that it belonged to Felix's.

Hell, the case wasn't over.

A killer's obsession - ChanglixOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora