K Bao thought about it and joined Fang Mo in wiping the steps.

Finally, when they sat down, both of them let out a sigh of relief and resumed their previous conversation.

"So, I really can't stand this job with no days off. Your boss is so demanding. If it were me, I would have poured coffee on his face already."

Fang Mo chuckled. Although she hadn't specifically complained about Yuan Huaijing in the group chat, her friends in the group knew from certain details and occasional conversations that Fang Mo had a boss who wasn't easy to get along with.

"It's not that extreme. I've gotten used to it now."

"And my boss has it tough too. Although he can be difficult at times, he's still better than most bosses."

Since gaining mind-reading abilities, Fang Mo realized that there was actually nothing to be afraid of when it came to Yuan Huaijing. She treated him like a three-year-old child. She would appease him during normal times and ignore him when he was angry. What else could she do?

After all, she was just an ordinary worker!

Besides, she would be joining a new company soon, and her encounters with Yuan Huaijing would greatly decrease. She could leave the headache-inducing matters to the next person~

"You've been through a lot." K Bao clearly thought Fang Mo was finding joy in her struggles. She thought of some comforting words but ended up blurting out a joke instead, "Cheer up! Who knows, maybe I'll strike it rich one day, and then you can join me. I promise you'll have lavish meals every day, throw money around like it's nothing, and have a lineup of handsome young men for you to choose from!"

"Haha—" Fang Mo had to hold back from laughing out loud to preserve her makeup. It was quite a challenge.

"But I'll get rich even faster!" K Bao quickly caught on and waved her hand generously, "Sure, sure, either way works! Let's not forget each other once we're wealthy."

"When I have money, I'll buy your boss's company and taste the joy of being a boss~"

Fang Mo didn't mention her job at Yuanshi, and nobody delved into that topic. With so many companies in the capital, K Bao clearly regarded Fang Mo's boss as an ordinary, middle-aged, bald, greasy man.

"Thanks for the good wishes."

Fang Mo's smile never faded from her face, but in her heart, she thought about quitting work once she had money. She would find a livable city and enjoy a life of freedom.

The two of them continued their casual conversation, jumping from one topic to another without any logical connection. They went from discussing disappointing new anime releases to gossip, from deciding what to have for dinner to the latest heartthrobs that were making waves. The topics were all over the place, devoid of logic.

But who needs logic in idle chatter?

Seeing that it was almost time to meet up with the others, Fang Mo and K Bao got up to leave.

However, as they passed by that door, K Bao suddenly remembered the odd feeling from earlier and, as if possessed, she reached out and pressed the handle while pushing it inward...

The door! It opened!

Fang Mo instantly locked eyes with Zhao Yan.

Both of their expressions synchronized in shock and disbelief!

"Oh my god!" K Bao exclaimed, "I'm sorry, I had no idea there was someone inside. I just tried it on a whim!"

Just as she finished speaking, she yelled again, "Jingda!"

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