Chapter Twenty-Four

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I sighed in defeat and truned to Luther and Diego. "By the way. Don't bother with the old lady you're trying to call, it means eye for a eye."

"Why should we believe you?" Luther asked. Five made it to the top of stairs.

"Because he is telling the truth, you idiot." Five said heading to the bathroom to clean off the blood.

"Uh, you have some blood on you." Diego said taking a good look at Five. "A lot of blood actually. Five what did you do?" Five pushed pass both Luther and Diego. I just stood and watched Five wipe the blood off looking back at door once in awhile.

"So, I found a way home." Five said avoiding the question about the blood.

"What? How?"

"All the details are irrelevant, but... I made a deal to get back to our timeline." Five explained putting his tie back on.

"What about doomsday?" Luther asked.

"Won't happen."

"And the 2019 apocalypse?" Diego pressed.

"Everything will be back to normal." Five responded. "All right? No more questions."

"Is there a catch?" I asked. I didn't trust the Handler at all.

"No, so we gotta go. Now." Five said. "We have to find the others."

"Yeah." Luther agreed.

"Luther, you get Allsion."

"Diego, Klaus. I'll get Vanya." Five truned to me. "Hugo, go try and Lisa. Now we meet back st the arrival in 77 minutes." Five shrugged his jacket back on. "Here." He said and Five gave us all watches. "I've synchronized these watches."

"Okay, let's do this." Luther said.

"Woah,woah,woah. You show up drenched in blood and expect us to believe everything is gonna go back to normal if we go home now?" Diego said not believing Fives words.

"Do you not want to get back home, Diego?" I asked putting on the watch Five had gotten us.

"Why are you even coming with us? Why not go back to your own home?" Diego asked frustrated and I snapped back at him.

"Because I don't have one to go back to!"

"Enough, both of you." Luther said pushing Diego back and Diego sighed.

"I have to say goodbye to Lila." He said.

"Lila doesn't give a shit about you, Diego! She never did. She's one of them. She's a member of the commission." Five explained. Diego was shocked.

"No way." Diego said shaking his head. "Not possible."

"She was just using you to get to me, and Hugo. You're the Oswald of of this story my friend. The goddamn pasty." Five exclaimed moving to walk away.

"You don't know what you're talk-" Diego shouted but was cutoff by Five teleporting back in front of him holding up his finger.

"If you don't do this. I'll kill you myself." Five said. "Got it?" His said with a manic smile before grabbing my hand and teleporting us away.

"Okay, I gotta go find Lisa." I said letting going of Fives hand. I was in such a rush, I needed to talk to her.

"Hugo! Remember we have a time limit." Five said as I ran off to go get Lisa.

The first place I wanted to check was her house. She wasn't sitting on her front porch, and she wasn't in her back yard. I was officially panicking, the only other place that she could be was the hair salon where Allsion was working.

I didn't even know if Allsion was even there. Before I left the house I heard the door open. Lisa.

"Hugo..." She sounded tried and she sat on the steps of the porch.

"Lisa!" I said and run up to the steps and sat next to her. "Lisa, I am sorry. Just please let me explain."

Lisa just nodded and I took a deep breath. "I...I don't know what I was thinking. And I am pretty sure Five is becoming delusional the more he stays here. If we bring someone from here, the timeline would get screwed up. And our whole job is to make sure it stays normal." I explained slow enough so Lisa understood.

"So, I need to stay here. To keep me and others safe." Lisa said and I nodded putting my hand on her back. I looked at my watch, I need to make it back soon.

"You can find someone who can take good care of you." I said. "And if you want, you can come back with me and say goodbye to Allsion too." Lisa got up and we headed back to the alleyway. We're going to make it back in time.


Running into the alleyway we see Luther and Five waiting. "Ah! We made it." I said standing next to Five, only to see no one else was there.

"Where is everyone else?" I asked and Five huffed with anger.

"No one else is here! We don't have much time." He said as Klaus came running around the corner, more like stumbling like he was drunk.

"We made it!" Klaus cheered he stopped in front of us almost toppling over.

"What do you mean by 'we?' " Five asked. Klaus was swinging his arms and spewing nonsense. It came to me that Klaus was fighting with Ben.

Klaus choked out trying to say something and breathing hard. He then vomited and collapsed on the ground.

"I can't believe it." Luther said. "I mean, you're here." He was in disbelief.

"We've got eight minutes left." Five said getting antsy.

"I just had the strangest dream." Klaus said, still on the ground starting at us with wide eyes.

"Where are the others." Five said in anguish. I looked around aging with Lisa as well. No one.

"We only have seven minutes. And no one is here." I said checking my watch.

Five crused and kicked the trash can. He bit his tongue in pain and kicked the bin aging. I drew Five back from the cans so he wouldn't hurt himself.





The countdown got shorter as I looked at my watch while holding Five back. I would look back and forth for the others praying they would make it last minute.

"We've got a minute left!" Luther said finally.

"It was a simple task!" Five said moving away from me and pacing back and forth with his fist in a ball. "It was a simple task! All we had to do was be here. Didn't have to fight a gaint sea monster, no. An army of mutants? Nein!"

"I can't believe this." Luther said. I checked my watch, 30 seconds.

"It was handed to us on a sliver plater." Five raged on.

"Could you just moan a little softer, my head is killing me." Klaus groaned on the ground trying to stand.

"Listen to me, you useless puke bag! We just blew our chance to save the world!" Five said with anger.

The briefcase stared whirring.

"Oh for the love of-"

"God damn it." Five said. He grabbed the briefcase and threw it into the air before it could teleport us without the others.

"We were that close, that close." Five sighed.

An: I can't wait to write for season three 🗣

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