Chapter Nineteen

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Once we got to the to the gala I looked at the building where people dressed up went in and out. These people are gonna make Diego look like a hobo.

Five parked the car farther from the other cars. We got out of the car and had to walk the rest of the way. We would look over the top of the cars and we crouched behind an old car.

"So what's the plan?" Lila asked.

"We infiltrate, we identify, and we extract. Double time." Diego said.

"What the hell is her talking about?" Lila asked Five as he came up to the car with me following.

"Find the old man and get out, fast." Five explained.

"That's what I said. On me." Diego said moving through the parking lot ducking behind other old car.

"After you two." Lila said moving her hands forward. But me and Five didn't move.

"What? Can't I be polite?" Lila asked.

"Cut the crap alright. My dim witted brother may buy your bullshit, but we don't trust you for a second." Five said glancing at me.

"And stay away from Lisa. You don't lay a damn finger on her." I added in, I didn't want to lose her like I lost Ruby.

"O ye little faiths." Lila said.

"Stick it up your ass." Five bit back.

Lila smirked and rolled her eyes. She followed Diego to the next car.

"You really think she would hurt Lisa?" I asked wondering if she really would.

"I don't know. But I am sure you don't want to lose her, after whag happened Ruby." Five said giving a small smile before he followed Lila. I followed behind the two, I didn't think Five remember my story of Ruby.

We sneak through a side door that I unlocked for them. We merged into the crowd, I look at all the nicely dressed people. I remember when Miles looked this nice for his prom night.

"I don't see dad anywhere." Diego said not even being there for a full minute. Some offered Lila champagne and she took two and drank them both.

"Just keep an eye out for the Majestic Twelve. Me and Hugo will go upstairs, don't do anything stupid." Five said.

"When had he not." I said before I followed Five upstairs.

We slowed our paces when we stared hearing voices. We come to a stop until we knew the men would be out of sight once we step out of the hall.

Twelve men in suits had all entered a room. They all had donning looks on them that would tell someone to stay away. But not for us, unfortunately.

We had to eavesdrop on them so Five teleported us to a small closet. We peeked through the cracks of the door.

"The president is counting to make inquiries into Rosewell and other crash sites, gentlemen." A man said he had countied talking but I kept looking at Reginald. When Five told me what he looked like when he ran away from home, he still looks the same. Maybe he is immoral or something.

Five shifted to get a closer look and something had fell. I was light but in was enough to make sound. I saw Reginald coming close to closest.

"Dad." Five whispered in a low vocie.

"Shh." I looked over at Five with a finger on my lips.

We watched as Reginald came closer with an steady pace. His face was drawn and his eyebrows knitted. He slowly raised his can.

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