Chapter Twenty-one

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I promise to try and start updating stories more <3

"Five? Where the hell did you go?" I said looking around for Five. I stopped walking and saw a glimpse of someone running from the corner of my eye. I didn't get a good enough look to see who it was.

I stared to follow the person I saw, once I got other look at her I realized who it was. Lila. I continued to follower thinking Five would probably be chasing her too. I entered the old wear house building that Lila entered.

I had lost sight of her and I could hear fighting from the middle of the building. I picked up my pace and saw Lila fighting Five. I saw Fives truned towards me.

"Hugo! What the hell?!" Five exclaimed and Lila looked at me smiled.

"Hugo, I knew you'd be following me. You little shit." Lila said and looked like she was about to fight me too. Before she could get to me I lunched at her. Lila have moved out of the way and when I truned back around she was gone.

Five walked next to me and I heard him cruse. I was scanning the area to see if I could find where Lila was hiding. Lila had popped up behind me and Five took her in a chokehold. I jabbed her in the stomach.

Lila doubled over and Five put his foot on her throat so she couldn't get up.

"You're better than I thought." Lila wheezed under Fives foot.

"And your entirely average." Five scolded watching Lila struggling.

"You can come out now."

I heard sound of heels clicking on the floor as it echoed through the building. Hugo held his breath as The Handler came into veiw, younger but still smug.

"Shit..." I muttered as she got closer.

"Well done, you figured it out." The Handler said smiling.

"It wasn't very hard. She fights like one of you commission drones." Five spat at her.

"Hmm. No matter, here we are. Together again. I've gotta ask...did you miss me?"

Lila choked out a laugh from the floor.

"Like a headache." I said staring at her.

"Always a pleasure." Five said putting more pressure on Lilas throat.

"You've got a good nose." The Handler said.

"You know, planting her in the psych ward and taking advantage of my simpleton brother, that was smart." Five said.

"Well, the apple doesn't fall to far from the tree." The Handler said smiling at me and Five.

"She's your-"

"Daughter. Yes. And she's my only one, so I'd appreciate if you didn't crush her." The Handler said.

I wrapped my arms around my stomach. That memory was complete, when I found Ruby and Miles. It was Lila, she killed them.

Lila got up and brushed herself off.

"I am going to enjoy killing you." She threatened.

I stared to zoned off still taking in that Lila had killed my siblings. I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked to at Five.

"Hugo, you alright? The Handler wants to talk to us." Five said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"I-I don't want to talk to her. I need some air." I stared to walk away and I heard Five call after me.

"Hugo!?" I heard him say but he stayed to talk to the Handler.

I walked outside the building my breathing picking up. I sat down and leaned against the wall, I heard foot steps. I looked up and saw Lila, I stood up aging.

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