Chapter Twenty

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Fives POV:

"No, no, no I don't understand. They keep following me." Diego said talking about the Swedes.

Hugo went to the bathroom to clean his cuts and sleep. I saw Lisa follow him, probably to ask what happened.

"What? Who?" Luther asked.

"Those Dutch sociopaths."

"They're Swedish you idiot. Hired guns paid to eradicate us before we do anymore damage." I explained with other cup of coffee in my hand.

Hugo was sleeping on the couch, he probably had a headache from the punch to his eyes. His eyes would fludered open here and there. He probably wasn't actually sleeping, just resting his eyes. Lisa was sitting next to him reading something.

"Yeah but why now? I mean I was fine for three months before you showed up." Diego said glaring at me.

"Yeah, I was fine for a year and no one messed with me." Luther said glancing up from his eggs. I see Hugo sit up from the corner of my eye and turned onto his stomach, looking at us.

"You know you guys can be a little thankful. Because if Five didn't get us here we would all be dead. Evaporated, gone, poff!" Hugo said taking with his hands.

"Thank you." I said raising my cup to him. Hugo gave a thumbs up and let his face fall into the arm of the couch.

"We only have sixs days before the world ends, and closes anyone has gotten was that driveway at the consulate." I said.

"Well...that's not exactly true." Luther spoke up.

I saw Hugo roll off the couch and stand in the doorway. Lisa followed him and sat at the table.

"What do you mean?" I asked and Hugo had a confused look on his face.

"I saw him. I took a bus to his house, he was hosting a party. A gathering of sorts. I talked to him, told him I was his son, he ended up kicking me out." Luther explained.

"That's pathetic." Diego scoffed.

"Yeah well, at least he didn't shank my ass." Luther said making a bowl of eggs and sitting down. Lisa was stealing a few pieces from him, Luther swated her hand away.

"Nah bro, he shanked your heart." Diego said and Hugo gave a small laugh.

"Is that my bath rob?" Elliott asked Luther once he entered the room.

"No." Luther said swallowing a big piece of egg.

"Look who cares who was shanked! He knows something about time travle." I said.

Elliott raised his hand like a school boy, but he then lowered it once he realized what he was doing.

"Um, why don't you just do your thing, and, uh, time travel us out?" Elliott asked.

"Anyone care to explain?" I scoffed pouring other cup of coffee.

"First time, he got lost in the apocalypse." Luther explained mouth full of eggs.

"Second time he ened up without hair on his balls. And brought Hugo with him, who looks like shit by the way." Diego said pointing at Hugo.

"Yeah well, I got beat up by two of the Swedes, so." Hugo said rubbing his cut eyebrow.

"Now we have possibly trigger other doomsday. Any questions Elliott?" I said

"Um, no." Elliott rushed out.

"You're all missing the big picture here. Dad is the ringleader of thr sinister cable that's planing to kill the president." Diego said catching out attentions.

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