Where did she go

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You get back to your room, throw your heels down and fall on to your bed. Closing your eyes a reliving what just happened. You have never had a man be that dominant with you. Sure, you have had them ask you to call them daddy while they smack your ass. But you have never had a man make you feel how Bucky did. He was firm, demanding, rough. Yes the man is like 100, but he has learned some things in his years and left you already craving more.

You know you should shower but you could still smell him on you. A soft, woody blend of sandalwood and musk with cool, refreshing notes of cinnamon and vanilla. Fuck he is delicious.

"No. No Y/N. Stop. You are not this person! You are a bad bitch and you don't obsess over any man. Even if he does look like a god. No! Control yourself. You are here to do a job. You had some fun. Now focus" you say to yourself.

You stand up, and head to the bathroom to clean up and get ready for bed. You turn on the bath and poor the bubbles in, excited for the warmth the surround you. As you are undressing you realize Bucky still has your panties. "Fuck. Little pervert" you say, then smile to yourself.

You climb into the bath and relax, letting the rest of the world slip away. Lost in your mind, the smell of cedar and oak invade your senses. Is that leather?

?: "princess...."

You jolt up and look around but no one is there.

Y/N: "hello?" But no one responds. "Huh. I must just be exhausted." After awhile, You decide to get out, dry off and get to bed. You put on your old AC/DC shirt and shorts and lay down. You grab your phone and see that it is almost 5am. "Ug tomorrows going to fucking suck". You accept that you are only going to get 3 hours of sleep. You turn off the lights and finally fall asleep.

You are awoken to someone knocking on your door. "Are you fucking kidding me...Ug" you say as you throw a small temper tantrum, thrashing your body before you get out of bed. They knock again. "Hey knocker! I'm coming". You open the door the find Nat standing there.

Nat: "good morning gorgeous"

Y/N: "hey. Sorry, I didn't get much sleep"

Nat: "really? I came by your room last night but you didn't answer". You gave her a puzzled look, and then you remember what happened last night. Instant blush came to your cheeks and you couldn't help but smile but wiped it quickly.

Y/N: "really? That's weird. I must not have heard you knock"

Nat: "Bullshit" she said smiling. You just rolled your eyes at her. "Cmon, get some clothes on. Let's go train before we have to meet with Tony".

Y/N: "Oh, um, do I have to train? I'm not really a well coordinated person."

Nat: "Girl"

Y/N: "I walk into walls while I'm standing still Nat."

Nat: "Lol, all the more reason. Cmon. Get that sexy booty moving. Gotta beat the boys down there".

You roll your eyes, and go to turn and she smacks your ass. You laugh and run to your bags to grab some work out clothes and change. You put on your black shorts and sports bra, throwing on a an oversized sweatshirt and head down the hallway with Natasha.

Nat: "I heard some really sexy noises coming from Bucky's room last night."

Y/N: "wow, really? That's crazy. I didn't hear anything"

Nat: "weird. It was hot". All you could do was give her a quiet laugh. You guys get to the elevator and hit the button and you two stand there quietly waiting for the doors to open. As soon as they did you both step inside. As the doors close, Nat giggles "calling someone daddy wasn't something I thought you had in you Y/N".

The doors open in the training floor, "Nat I didn't realize anyone could hear! Fuck was I that loud?! Omg..."

Nat: "girl stop! Lol it sounded like you guys where having a GREAT time." She giggles. "Something doesn't surprise me about him liking being called Daddy. Omg Y/N how big is it?"

Y/N: "NAT!!!" Nat just stops and stares at you. You stare back at her. She raises an eyebrow and smirks. "Ok fine. It's huge" you say as you laugh and walk into the training room.

Nat suggest you start with some cardio on the treadmill while she works with the bags. You watch as she is just going at it. She's kind of mesmerizing to watch. She sees you watching her.

Nat: "you know, this is a good way to work out frustration."

Y/N: "I might need to try that, lol". She stops hitting the bag and glares at you.

Nat: "Didn't finish? Didn't last long enough? Omg" she said, lowering her voice, "please tell me he is a minuteman...please tell me he has an actual flaw? He can't be that perfect, bitch." You laughed and replied "no Nat. After the bit with the headboard, idk, it's like I got shy. I had to leave. I've never behaved like that. He brings something out in me. Something so...." She cuts you off "submissive?" as she smirks at you. "Wow, Dr. Y/N/L, boss bitch out in the world, dirty little slut in the bedroom!" You couldn't help but laugh at her.

Nat: come here. I'll show you how to beat the shit out of a bag". You hop off the treadmill and make your way to her. After a few rounds, and some very embarrassing attempts on your part, you guys call it on your training. You head to your rooms to get showered so you can get to your meeting.

You get off the elevator and walk down the hall to your room. You see Bucky coming out of Steve's room. He was shirtless and his hair was in a low bun. Fuck he looked good. No Y/N. Go shower.
You walk past his room praying he doesn't see you. You get to your room, and close the door. Sighing in relief. You go turn on the shower, and get out of your workout clothes. As you are about to step into the shower you hear a knock at your door. "Shit". You grab a towel and wrap it around you and go answer it.

Your breath hitches when you see Bucky standing in front of you.

Y/N: "hi...James" you say awkwardly. You can barely look him in his eyes.

Bucky: "don't get shy on me now doll" he says with a quiet giggle. You look up at him through your lashes. Fuck you forgot how tall he was. You give him a shy smile.

Y/N: "what's up? Did you need something? I'm grabbing a quick shower before the meeting". Without being asked, he steps into your room, just enough to get past the door and close it. Fuck. You knew he would be trouble. God he smells good. Sweat mixed with his signature scent. You can't help but look down at his chest. You didn't see him without a shirt last night so you didn't realize how amazing his body really was. Yes you  knew he was built but not like this. His chest, fuck how many abs does he have? Is that even possible? There's like 10. Jesus. He has that fucking V in his hips. You feel his finger move to your chin and lift your face up to look at him.

Bucky: "See something you like doll?" He says flashing you that sexy little smile. The same one from last night when he was about to be face deep in your pussy. A small whimper escaped your lips. You couldn't form words. All you could do was hold his gaze.

Bucky: "It seems you forgot something last night". You had no fucking clue what he was talking about. You couldn't form a coherent thought anyways so it didn't matter tbh.

Bucky: "figured you want these back" he says as he holds up your panties.

Y/N: "omg. Um..yea I guess I did" you said as you blushed uncontrollably while you reached up to grab them. "Um...thank you" you said you glanced back down. He took a step towards you.

Bucky: "hm. Im curious Y/N"

Y/N: "about what?"

Bucky: "where is the girl from last night? Don't get me wrong. This shy, innocent girl in front of me is definitely making my dick hard, I'm just curious where that confident one went"

Y/N: "look, Bucky.." you say as you realize he had backed you up to a wall in the bathroom. No where to go.

Bucky: "Or does that just come out when I touch you.." he says, as you realize his hand is brushing your thigh. Your eyes close at the feel of his skin on you. He leans in to whisper in your ear, "because if that's what I have to do to bring her out, I will never take my hands off of you".

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