Stick to the plan

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Clint: "Its been 2 days since he left guys, we aren't any closer to finding him. All we are doing is just trailing a laundry list of people he's put in the hospital".

Steve: "This is how we find him. There's something, there's a...pattern. I just haven't figured it out yet. There's a method to his madness, there has to be".

Tony: "Why cap? Because if there's not, you're scared your little winter buddy is gonna come back out? Take a look around Steve. He already has".

Steve: "No stark. This is different."

Tony: "How!? Tell me how this is any different. He's lost it!"

Steve: "What is the one thing you have noticed? Huh?"

Nat: "Steve, he's just..."

Steve: "No. I know him. This is different."

Tony: "He's hurting people!"

Steve: "But he's not killing them Stark! He's still Bucky. This proves that to me. He's angry. But I promise you, he won't lose himself."

Tony: "Because of her he might!"

Steve: "FOR her, he won't! Tony, he loves her"

Nat: "Stark, she is the reason he won't."

Tony: "I hope you are right. Ok, then change of plans. Im trusting you guys here, so...leave Buck. We find her."


Bucky has been searching for 2 days. Hitting every spot Loki would hide, every deep dark hole. Every encounter with a person who refuses to help him, has ended in a bloody fist fight. He's tired, and knows he needs to rest. He's not any good to you like this, fuck Tony for being right, but he can't go back to the compound. He's too far out. He manages to find a hotel for the night. There's a spot in the next town over he will check tomorrow night. But for tonight, sleep.

He takes a shower, changes his clothes and falls to the bed. Thoughts of you flood his mind. A reminder of what he has to do.

Bucky: (I'm coming baby. Just hold on. I will find you). He closes his eyes, and let's sleep take him.

Loki: "Still think you can save her? That's sweet....Like are a lucky man James...because she IS sweet...."

Bucky's mind flashes with images of Loki touching you. Hands, lips. All over your skin. Everywhere Bucky has been, everywhere Bucky has tasted.

Loki: "I see why you like her....your very own little deviant...she's fucking delicious....her moans are perfection to me....."


You don't know how long you have been down here. Feels like weeks. But you know that can't be true. You feel grimy, sweaty. Disgusting. Your body aches. You have been stuck to a bed since you got here, with the occasional release to pee in a bucket he gave you. Gee, thank you.

The cuts Loki gave you are starting to heal, thankfully. Ug, you need a shower. You hear footsteps coming down the hall, and tense for a moment. Waiting for the next round of torture to start. You have managed to keep up with him so far, but it's getting exhausting. Mentally, you are draining again. You could sit there and interview serial killers for hours, but this...this is taking more mental gymnastics than you have ever pulled in your life. You want to cry, scream, break down. But you know you can't. You can't give him what he wants. Just then, the door to your room opens. Loki walks over to you, kneels down and starts to unlock your restraints on your legs.

Y/N: "Giving up already, Loki? Wow..I thought you had more in you".

Loki: "You need a shower."

Y/N: "This is true. Gee kind of you."

Loki glares at you, and proceeds to unlock the restraints on your ankles.

Y/N: "So kind, really. Heaven forbid I stink in front of such royalty." you sarcastically add.

Loki stops and turns slowly to look at you.

Fuck. What did I just do?

He grins, and starts to run his hand up your leg slowly. It's taking everything you have to appear normal.

Loki: "Oh you really want to push me right now? Being in such a vulnerable position." He climbs on the end of the bed, grabbing back down at your ankles and pulling you down towards him. The restraints on your arms bite at your wrists.

Y/N: "Fuck" you groan in pain.

His starts moving his hands back up your legs, then flips you over, then places his body against yours. Holding you down to the bed. His hand runs up your back, grazing your neck, then he grabs your hair, pulling your head back.

Loki: "I've seen your deepest desires, Y/N. I see what you want. Your body can't lie to me. Your breathing is strained, you have goosebumps,
Skin is flushed. Your cunt is throbbing....dripping with need."

Y/N: "Quite full of yourself aren't you Loki? Thinking you have the kind of effect on me".

Loki: "Quite bold of you to assume you hide it from me. I can smell your arousal....".

(Keep it together girl. You can do this. Breathe)

You reach your hands around your restraints and grip them, turning your head to look at Loki.

Y/N: "mmm big tough guy Loki....needs the control....because everything else for you is out of control...and this...this makes you feel powerful....."

Loki grips your hair harder, pulling you up onto your knees, and shoves you forward so you have to grab the headboard.

Loki: "Wasn't this how you liked it? Him fucking you from behind....while I was beneath you?"

You slowly look back at Loki with a smirk on your face, and reply " are a lot stronger than you look....".

Loki had enough of your games, he let you go and unlocked your chains, threw you over his shoulder and walked to his bathroom. He turns on the shower, and throws you in. Your head hitting the wall.

Loki: "Clean yourself up."

Y/N: "What the fuck Loki! Is this what gets you off? Causing pain? Is this what gets your dick hard?"

He eyes your body, seeing your perked nipples. Grinning, he leans down and raises your face to look at him, running his other hand over your swollen nub, "More that I know you enjoy it" then he gets up and leaves you alone.

You spend as long as you can under the hot water. Going over the plan. Wondering if you made a mistake. He can read you better than you thought. Like Bucky, he can read your body like a map. You never thought anyone would ever be able to. You know your mission, you know what you have to do and what type of person Loki is, so why is your body betraying you. Why is Loki having an effect on you? You're playing a part. A part that you have to make yourself believe 100%, or this won't work. And if it doesn't, you may not make it out alive.

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