The Party

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Nat and Wanda show you to your room. Walking down the hall, they point out where everyone stays.

Wanda: "And your room is right here. I know it can be weird being in a new place but trust me, you're safe. My room is across the hall, Nat's is at the end, and Bucky is next door to you"

I stopped in my tracks, red heat rising to my face again.

Y/N: "Bucky?"

You pray to whatever gods you can that it's not who you think it is. Please...please for the love of all things earthly, outer worldly and interplanetary....don't be him.

Nat: "oh yes, Bucky. The metal armed, sweaty Jesus you met at the meeting." She says smiling as she saw your reaction when he walked into the conference room. Wanda looks at her, completely lost.

Y/N: "his name is Bucky?"

Wanda: James. James Buchanan Barnes. But he goes by Bucky

Y/N: "Fuck"

Nat: "Yea sweetie, you said that already" she says as she starts laughing. "Cmon, let's get you settled in".

The room was beautiful. Definitely over the top. More than what you are accustomed to. Floor to ceiling windows giving you an amazing view of the mountains. Your own balcony. King sized bed, walk in closet, and your own bathroom (which was honestly your favorite part).

Claw foot bath tub, full walk in shower, and stocked with all of your favorite toiletries. You find your favorite body wash, Orchid and Black Currant sitting by the tub.

You look at Nat, "wait, how did.."

Nat cut you off. "We research each incoming member and learn everything about them. Not to sound creepy, but some of us have been watching you for weeks" she says as she winks at you.

Wanda: "We just want you to feel at home" she says with the most genuine smile you have ever seen. Something about Wanda makes you feel calm. She's warm and welcoming. Kind.

Nat is welcoming too, but in a different way. She seems feisty, fun, but also just an all around bad ass. You could learn some things from her.

Y/N: "Thank you both for helping me settle in. I do have one question though?"

Nat: "Sure, what's up?"

Y/N: "This party tonight, how fancy are we talking? Because what I have on is about the fanciest thing I packed. I wasn't expecting a billionaire gathering to announce my arrival."

Nat and Wanda laugh.

Nat: "Nothing too fancy. We are pretty casual around here."

Y/N: "So...jeans and t-Shirt?"

Wanda: "more like...cocktail. Don't worry, I'm sure one of us has something you can wear. Right Nat?"

Nat: "definitely. I have the perfect little black dress you can borrow."

Y/N: "Really? Thank you. Obviously can't wear my normal clothes. Not exactly cocktail party appropriate."

Nat: "We are pretty sure you would look good in a paper bag."

Y/N: "perfect! That's all I brought."

The 3 of you laugh as you take in your surroundings.

Wanda: "Ok well Nat, let's leave Y/N to rest for a bit and go help Tony get ready for tonight."

Nat: "I'll bring that dress by a little later for you."

Y/N: "Thanks guys. I'll see you later then. Oh wait, who all was watching me??" You ask but they were already gone.

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