We found him

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You wake up the next morning to the sunlight shining in through your windows. You roll over to see that Bucky is not laying next to you anymore. You look around your room, and he's not there. You go to get out of bed and can barely move. Every part of your body hurts. You couldn't help but wince and laugh at the same time. You finally stand up, and walk over to your balcony. The sunshine on your face felt so good.

As you are enjoying the fresh air, you feel arms wrap around your waist and then feel lips on your neck. You smile and lean back into the hug.

Y/N: "good morning"

Bucky: "good morning, beautiful. How did you sleep"

Y/N:"good. You?"

Bucky: "amazing" he says as he kisses your cheek. "I thought you might need some coffee."

Y/N:"thank you. I do lol"

Bucky:" there's also some ibuprofen too. I figured after last night, you'd need it". You laugh and turn to face him.

Y/N:"I could barely get out of bed so"

Bucky: "mmm. Well I can take you back there and we can have a repeat if you'd like" he says as he leans in and kisses your lips.

Steve:"hey guys, sorry to interrupt but Tony needs us".

Bucky:"is everything ok?"

Steve:"we found him".

You and Bucky head down to the lab and meet the team there.

Tony:"thanks for joining us, guys. Y/N, we found him. Wait, where's point break?"

Thor: "I'm here, sorry. Did I hear that you found Loki?"

Bruce:"yes. Your guys' plan worked. The facial recognition picked him up and it's a 80% match".

Y/N:"That's great. So where is he?"

Tony:"Here. He never left New York. He's been in hiding".

Bucky:"So what's our next move?"

Tony:"well, we use Thor. See if you can lure him out and then we take him. We need to get him back here to the compound where we can interrogate him."

Thor: "Stark, he won't come out of hiding for me.
I was helping you guys fight against him, remember?"

Tony:"Then what do you propose? How are we going to lure him out?"

Y/N:"Me.". The team looks at you confused.

Nat:"what? Why? No"

Y/N:"Look, I have an idea. Nat, can I talk to you for a minute?"


Tony:"Y/N, just tell us what your idea is".

Y/N:"Tony, I know you haven't known me long but, I really need you to trust me." Everyone is looking at you, confused and concerned. "I promise I will explain my plan to you all once I have worked out all the details." You turn to walk out of the room and Bucky grabs your hand.

Bucky:"Doll, is everything ok? Are you sure about this? Loki is dangerous and I don't want you to get hurt".

Y/N:"Buck, I got this. I'll be fine" you say giving him a confident smile. You squeeze his hand, and walk back to your room with Nat.

Nat:"Ok so do you want to tell me why you want to do this?"

Y/N:"Because, I think I can be the one to bring him out of hiding."

Nat:"Why do you think it has to be you?"

Y/N:"Thor said Loki can get into peoples minds right?"

Nat:"Right...but he doesn't know you. I'm not unders..."

Y/N:"He knows I'm here, Nat."

Nat:"What are you talking about Y/N? What makes you think that?".

Y/N:"Because I think he has been communicating with me."

Nat:"Y/N, you're not making any sense."

Y/N:"I've been hearing a voice."


Y/N:"He has been talking to me. I can hear him. I get images flashing in my mind that make no sense. Visions of a man I have never seen before. I started getting them the night before I came here".

Nat:"Ok but you know better than anyone the types of tricks our minds can play on us"

Y/N:"It's not just that Nat. I can...feel him". She stares at you for a minute. "It's so real, Nat."

Nat:"Ok...tell me exactly what happened". You begin to tell her all the comments you have heard, what his voice sounds like. The scent of him and leather, the images in your mind.

Y/N:"I could feel his fingers on me. I could feel him...inside of me last night."

Nat:"wait...while Bucky was..."

Y/N:"Yes. He's reaching out to me and I don't know why. I don't know what he wants with me, but I know I can bring him out."

Nat:"There's a lot to unpack here...he calls you pet? Really?"

Y/N:"That's what you are stuck on? Really?" You say laughing.

Nat:"Well...if you are going to do this, we have to make it look good."

Y/N:"We can't tell the group though. Not yet. They won't let me do this if they know."

Nat:"I mean, you probably shouldn't be doing this. Especially knowing he can already get into your head."

Y/N:"That's exactly why I should be the one to do this. What's the worst that can happen? I've got you all to protect me" you say as you wink at Nat.

You guys sit for awhile coming up with a plan, and figure out what to tell the group. You decide to convince Tony to throw a party in 1 week, announcing his newest avenger, you. You know that you can jazz it up some to make them believe that doing this will lure Loki.

You can't share with them what you will actually be doing to lure him out.

Nat:"so what are you going to tell Bucky? You've got him on the hook now, lol. Idk if he will be able to leave you alone"

Y/N:"I will come up with something. But this will work. And when all is said and done, he will understand".

You and Nat ask JARVIS to call everyone into the conference room and head down.

Steve:"Alright ladies, what's the plan?"

Nat:"How do you guys feel about a party?"

Tony:"Ok, I'm always down for a party but why am I throwing one?"

Y/N:"Let's introduce your newest recruit to the world"

Sam:"Why would this lure him here?"

Y/N:"Trust me." Everyone looks at you doubtful. "Guys look, he will believe our guards will be down. Drinking, having a good time. He is wanting revenge, to take his rightful place. What better way then to attack us when he thinks we are unprepared. You guys beat him once, he is wanting a rematch. To assert his dominance."

Bucky:"So how do we get him to the party? The ones we have aren't usually announced."

Nat:"We announce this one. Make it a big event."

Tony:"I don't like it."

Y/N:"Why? Because it wasn't your idea?"

Tony:"First off, shut up. Second off, yes. Thirdly, how do we know this will work?"

Thor:"Loki likes to make a show. Large group of people that he can potentially subdue, he won't miss it. It's worth a shot Stark."

Tony finally agrees, reluctantly. You give him a nod of appreciation, silently thanking him for trusting you. Even though you know you are about to go behind their backs. At the end of this, you know this is the only way.

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