Chapter 1 - Victims

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Aidan and Harry went to a club to spend their Saturday night, the perfect place to make out with a girl...and maybe kill her afterwards. The club was full of people with too much noise from the music, who would have realised it?

"Ready for some fresh meat?" Aidan said with a smile and pride to his older brother
"Always" Harry smirked back

The brothers entered the club. It was full of girls dancing and checking them out. They sat by they bar and ordered two drinks.

"Look at the little one checking you out" Aidan mocked Harry
"Bro there is no way she's over 18"
"So? It's only 4 years, your motive's different anyway" Aidan convinced Harry to talk to her

Harry motioned the girl to come towards him

"Hello beautiful" Harry smiled at her
"What's your name" she asked
"I'm Lora"
"Can I have a beer for the girl here please? It's on me don't worry" Harry ordered her a beer
"Thank you" Lora smiled shyly

They left their drinks and went to dance. Hours later after their last sips, Harry took Lara and went to the bathroom together.

His lips started to taste hers and her short black dress started to rise even more. His hands were touching her thighs and hers his beautiful curls. He stabbed her. Harry stabbed her stomach twice, she didn't even have time to scream.
He quickly left the bathroom without anyone noticing and met up with Aidan by the bar.

"Let's go" he said
"You took so long I thought you got her pregnant in there" Aidan mocked him once again
"We didn't even get there. Her thighs were too big that if I continued I'd never stop" Harry said with a smug little smile.

Next morning on TV, the news were out

"Lora Buckingham was found dead last night in a local club. Her body was stabbed and she was laying in the bathroom when two girls found her not long after"

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