Chapter 2 - First meet

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The following week, Lora's killer hadn't been found yet, so Saturday night they striked again. This time in a different bar further than last time.

"This time I want too" Aidan mocked Harry
"Alright alright little brother"

Harry is 22 years old and studying business, while Aidan is 20 studying psychology.

They were sitting at the bar ordering the "Aunt Roberta" cocktail when a girl's voice was heard

"Wow you guys must be really tough to be ordering the worlds strongest cocktail" a blonde pretty girl who was sitting next to them said in a flirty way
"Amelia what are you doing" her friend whispered
"Well we like to be challenged" Aidan responded
"Then perhaps you should challenge me too" Amelia said with a smile.
Aidan looked up and down her short pink dress and bit his lip.
"Then I will." Aidan ordered for the girl the same cocktail.
"Does your friend want one too?" Harry asked interested
"What are your names?" he continued
"I'm Amelia and my boring friend over here is Ariana"
"Boring? I'm not boring" Evelyn sounded annoyed
"Then if you aren't boring, accept my drink" Harry said in a temptive way

And so the four of them started drinking the world's strongest cocktail together and eventually becoming waisted as fuck.
Later on they went outside to lit a cigarette

"Can I have one?" Amelia asked Aidan
He gave her one and lit it for her

"Do you smoke?" Harry asked Ariana
"Yeah me neither" he smiled

"You guys should come to our house" Amelia suggested knowing she was drunk as hell
"It has two floors" she continued, "let's call an Uber"

The four of them, were now in Amelia and Ariana's two floor apartment ready to either have sex with them... or kill them.

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