13 || Cymbidium Orchid

Start from the beginning

“You stood me up on a date Ben, it's never going to happen. We’re done, I’ve moved on with someone else,” she said in frustration, and he wasn’t having it in the way he moved forward.

“You're giving up a one year relationship because I missed a date? Don’t be ridiculous, we need each other—”

He was cut off by my presence when I finally walked in, casually making my way to Kamaria. I noticed the smile on her face when I stood before her, confidently leaning down to wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her right on the lips.

The kiss was slow but brief, and I didn’t hesitate to admire her before I even gave Ben the time of day.

“If you have something to say to her, then say it to me.” I looked down at him, and I could sense that he felt intimidated but tried to be strong about it.

“She’s my girlfriend, Mr. Famous and Handsome. So back off, you can't be exploiting all the men,” he moved forward and I chuckled when his hand fisted my collar.

“Girlfriend? Last time I checked, I'm the one between her legs and fucking the life out of her,” the shock on Ben’s face was priceless as I smirked, tilting my head at him.

“Because she’s promiscuous—” he didn’t finish when my hand wrapped around his throat, choking him good as he gasped desperately for air.

I tightened my grip and Kamaria gasped in horror the moment the colour fully drained from his face, his eyes barely remaining open. I had lost all control and fury pumped through every living vein in me.

How dare he disrespect Kamaria like that? I wouldn’t have it at all. When she shook my other arm to let me go, that’s when I stopped, watching him fall limply to the floor.

He was still alive, coughing and gasping for air, some blood trickling down his nose from the impact. I had the urge to finish him for once and for all, but Kamaria’s worry had stopped me.

“See yourself out before I kick you to death, now.” The venom in my tone was palpable and he quickly got up, barely making eye contact with any of us as he scurried out. “That’s right, piece of fucking shit.”

“Rareșz, are you okay? I'm so sorry you had to deal with that,” she held my face between her hands, tiptoeing high to inspect me.

“I swear, if you weren’t here, I was going to murder the fucker—”

“Okay. He's gone now, and thank you for defending me like that. I appreciate it.” She smiled and that’s when my anger toned down, gradually being replaced with calmness and joy. It could only be Kamaria with that type of effect.

“Sorry, I lost control. I swear I'm not always this aggressive,” I sighed but she placed a finger against my lips.

“Don’t worry about it, I'm glad you showed up.” My gaze turned to her bag at that moment.

“You're leaving?” I raised a brow and she nodded, shrugging in the process.

“My shift is over. I don’t have anything better to do,”

“Well I do, and you're joining me,” I murmured, my hand squeezing her ass.

“Wait, but I look appalling, I mean, look at you,” she gestured to me and I chuckled.

“You're beautiful, love. I adore all your states, all your phases,” I tucked a loose strand behind her ear but she shook her head.

“Will you let me freshen up, at least? You can wait for me at one of the tables. It will take a few minutes,” she assured me and I shook my head in amusement, leaning down to give her a peck on the mouth. It was slowly becoming a habit, my addiction.

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