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Thereafter he took extra care of Jigu.

She didn't leave the kpop business instead she just performed live while sitting.
Taehyung attended every single one of her appointments and ultrasounds. He fulfilled her cravings without complaining and pampered her like a princess.

8 Months later

Jigu' water broke in the car after her final world tour concert.

Jigu : Aaahhhh oh my god. I think I'm going into labor. Yeosin-ah call Taehyung please. I need him

Yeonseo called Anjali.

Yeonseo : Hello ? Di ? Jigu' water broke. Please come fast we're taking her to the hospital

Anjali : Okay, don't worry I'm coming. Hand the phone over to Jigu (YN)

Jigu (YN) : Hello ? Uh... ah..... yes di

Anjali : YN relax.... Take deep breaths. How far apart are your contractions ?

Jigu (YN) : They're 15 minutes apart and last 90 seconds. Progressing faster

Anjali : Alright you have time. Hurry to the hospital. I'm on shift right now. Don't stop taking deep breaths and ask yeonseo or yeosin to massage your back gently. DON'T COLLAPSE NO MATTER WHAT !

YN : Alright di

On the other hand.

Yeosin called Taehyung urgently.

Taehyung : Hello Yeosin. What happened ?

Yeosin : Jiju, come fast. Jigu eonni' water broke. We're taking her to Seoul national hospital. Hurry, she's in a lot of pain.

(Taehyung's jaw dropped as he panicked but he answered.)

Taehyung: I'm coming. Put the call on speaker !

Jigu (YN) : Hello Taehyung ?

Taehyung : Hello yes, Love be patient, I'm coming as soon as possible. Our bundles of joy are coming. Be strong for us. I love you I'll come as soon and as fast as possible.

Jigu : Yes love, I'll be strong. Please come safely. We're waiting for you. (She said while groaning.)

Taehyung rushed over while she got admitted. He entered the delivery room in his hospital provided safety attire. Anjali quickly took her to the Operatimg Room, consoling her and telling her the tricks to keep on taking long breaths. While Taehyung inter-locked his hands with hers he softly kissed her forehead and whispered, while she groaned in pain.

Taehyung : You can do it my tigress.

Anjali : Do the Lamaze breathing. Breath in 2 times and Release one at a time. Try pushing after every release.

Jigu nodded and pushed with her strength while clenching Taehyung's hand while he stayed strong for her. He was internally panicking and on the verge of breaking down seeing his love crying but he controlled coz she needed him alot now.

Anjali : Well Done YN, I can see the head, push !

Taehyung : You can do it love, push.

Jigu followed and the first baby was out.

Anjali : Okay now YN, take some breaths and try pushing again.

Taehyung was caressing her hair, ignoring her sweaty body and the mushy smell in the delivery room. He kissed her forehead and encouraged her to push. She nodded her head to show she's ready.

Anjali : Okay now YN, push !!!

Jigu took in 2 oong breaths and pushed with as her might. The crown was now visible

Anjali : Yes YN this is the final push !!! I can see the crown..

Jigu (YN) pushed yet again and baby 2 finally popped out. Jigu smiled weakly and looked over to her babies who were being cleaned and looked over to Taehyung who was now in tears.

Taehyung : Are you okay love ?

Jigu (YN) : It feels as if every bone in my body broke and then got attached back. It hurts but I'll be fine

Taehyung : Di are the babies Okay ?

Anjali : Yes Taehyung. Both are Okay ! Also, congratulations to both of you for becoming parents to 2 of the prettiest angels. You're blessed with angels my dear sister and my caring brother in law

After 4 hours of active labor, with the constant encouragement and support from her husband, she finally gave birth to 2 healthy twins. Both being girls.

The couple hadn't gotten the gender checked as they wanted to be surprised. Taehyung and Jigu got 2 little princesses while Yeontan got 2 little baby sisters.

Taehyung : (Sobbing) Thank you love. I love you. You gave me the most precious gift of my life

Jigu : I love you too. They're angels just like their father.

Everybody visited them and her 6 brothers were overjoyed to become uncles. They had some great times together including some bad ones, where Jigu went through postpartum pains, new mom anxiety and some new mom self doubt but it was all worth it seeing her lifelines, her parents and her happy, overjoyed.

Nonetheless Taehyung was there with her at all points of her postpartum journey. He consoled her during her anxiety attacks, emotional and mental breakdowns. He took care of her food and nourishment. He also looked after his princesses while his fragile lil wife had some much needed rest.

Oh and well,

Yeonseo got together with Jeongguk

Yeosin got together with Yoongi

Yoshini got together with Jimin

Miso got together with Hoseok

Jubin got together with Jin and have a son together named Yushik who just gained 2 siblings.

Anjali got together with Namjoon and is 5 months pregnant.

Taehyung' and Jigu' daughters were named Kim Taeji and Kim Hyun-ah.

They even had 2 sons a year and half later whom they named as Kim Jihyun and Kim Taemin.

Jigu is currently in the 2nd trimester of her 3rd baby who's a boy too or so they think (psst.... I'll let you in the scoop it's twins again, a girl and a boy) Well Taehyung kinda fulfilled his dreams of having 5 kids (well ahem... obviously he made more.)

The couple name their newborns as Kim Hajoon and Kim Yongbok.

All the couples came together as the heaven blessed them together with eternal love, care, famiy, prosperity and success. They lived happily ever after !!!


Also BTS and ENLIVEN walked hand in hand. ENLIVEN best girl group BTS best boy group over the world....💜

The Kim Couple hence dominated the industry and were called the power and energy house of kpop.

The Kim Couple hence dominated the industry and were called the power and energy house of kpop

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Well now my first ever ff comes to an end. But I have one last short bonus before this bids adieu. Hope you enjoy

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