Part - 31 The Banquet Part I

Start from the beginning

"And the reason why he talks to you like he's two is because he always dreams of being able to see you, but he can't because you are a video game character,

And low and behold, my ridiculous situation happens, and now Fritz can all of a sudden speak to you." Daniel said,

"Huh...." Nimi said,

"Confused yet?" Daniel said, laughing to himself.

"I think so." Nimi said, with a deadpan expression



The car's brakes squeaked as it slowed to a smooth halt.

"I think we're here" Daniel said

He looked up

He looked up

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"Say..... that looks an awful lot like the city hall back home...." Daniel thought to himself

The buildings at and around the banquet hall were large, and very fancy.

Like as if imperial Germany had never fallen.

Only now it was the "Imperial German" knockoff in a Chinese gacha game, instead of an actual country.

A few guards in ceremonial black uniforms stood outside of the doors, greeting guests and welcoming them in.

"Guten tag Herr Kommandant, please come inside." One of the guards said

"Thank you gentlemen." Fritz said with almost a laugh in his voice, entering the building

The guards then looked at each other awkwardly because they never heard the commander actually SPEAK before.

Nimi entered the building next,

But when Daniel tried to enter, the guards stopped him.

"Wait! Why can't I get in!" Daniel said, watching Fritz's character model enter the building.

A guard pointed to a sign.

Appropriate dress outfits required for entry.


Daniel looked down,

A Kriegsmarine sailor outfit that hadn't been washed in two days with a missing hat probably didn't count as a "dress uniform" in their book.

Daniel walked back down the stairs in frustration

"Well.... Verd**** what do I do now?" Daniel said to himself, getting away from the door

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