[01] ━━━ the new girl

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━━━ fair skinned legs that belonged to aurora de lune was seen skipping down the stairs, as she reached down the last step she jumped down, her feet landing on the ground, a happy smile coating her glossed lips, her loose hair was seen bouncing on her shoulders as she jumped.

an excited smile on her face, wondering what the first day of school could bring.

aurora de lune was seen stepping inside the kitchen, seeing her mother, father and sister, happily smiling at them.

but, only her older sister, maeve seemed happy at her presence.

this put a damper on the young blonde's whole mood, her automatically becoming sad.

"oh! aurora, you're up!" claire novak, her mother says, gives her a happy smile.

aurora smiles at the woman.

"good morning, dad." aurora smiles.

erik novak, just plainly ignored the girl like every other time.

she has always noticed that, every single day growing up, her father barely acknowledges her, it seems like he doesn't even love her.

just maeve, it's like only maeve is his daughter and not her.

aurora hurtfully smiles, then walked away.

"you, uh, want me to give you a ride?" maeve politely asks.

'i know where it is." aurora shut down her offer.

aurora then walked away, maeve sighing out at her.

maeve stared at her father confused, wondering why he always acts so mean around aurora, it's like ever since they got her home, that's how he always has been.

but, it's not like aurora knows about that truth.

maeve then after a couple of minutes walked out of the room, going to work.

"do you really have to be like that?" claire sighs at her husband.

"i'm not playing 'father' to some stupid little girl that isn't mine, it was your decision to have her here, not mine." erik simply says.

erik then walked away, going out of the kitchen.


━━━ allison argent seemed to be a nervous wreck as she stepped out of her parents car, her innocent dark brown eyes looking around the school she'll now be attending.

allison slowly walked towards the school, but as she did, she was blinded by a bright light flashing in her face, the brunette stumbling back, blinking her eyes with a groan.

"sorry." a soft voice apologized.

allison then saw a pretty blonde, a camera being removed from the blonde's face, her innocent and naive doe green eyes staring at her.

"um, uh, it's, uh...okay." allison frowns.

"were you taking a picture of me?" allison asks confused.

the blonde then softly giggled in an angelic way. "oh, you know, it's kinda what i do, for the yearbook, and you're new, so..."

"oh, is it that obvious?" allison shyly smiles.

aurora then smiles, nodding at her. "you seemed like a nervous wreck just now."

"oh, you saw that?" allison lightly smiles nervously.

"you'll do fine, everyone here is really nice." aurora assuringly smile.

allison then breathlessly smiles, feeling a little comfort.


━━━ after class was over, outside on the school bench lydia martin and aurora de lune was seen sitting, when allison argent was seen walking by.

"wait, is she new?" lydia asks, squinting her eyes at the unknown brunette.

aurora smiles at lydia, her eyes lighting up at the sight of allison, her calling the girl over.

"wait, why are you-." Lydia quickly disapproved, but aurora paid no attention to her.

"hey." allison quietly says.

"come, sit." aurora pulled the girl down next to her.

"okay, so, this is lydia martin and i'm aurora de lune-." the blonde was introducing.

"my best friend." lydia interrupted.

"um, uh, i'm allison argent." allison awkwardly smiles.

"you are going to fit perfectly in our group, i can feel it." lydia then smirks.

aurora then sighs in relief that lydia actually likes her.

━━━ lydia martin dragged allison and aurora to the lacrosse field, mainly because her boyfriend would be there.

aurora, noticing scott playing on the field, grew surprise at this, especially at the fact that he seemed to be catching every ball that came at him.

"woah, since when did he get so good?" aurora comments impressed.

aurora noticed allison staring at scott with a blushing smile.

"definition for the word 'puppy love'." aurora smirks.

allison came out of her blushing state and stammered at aurora. "wh-what?"

"you so are crushing on him." aurora grins.

"i-i don't even know him." allison stammers, whilst blushing.

"that's scott mccall." aurora smiles.

lydia feigning confusion. "scott, who?"

aurora scoffs at lydia's fake dumbness. "seriously?"

lydia feigned innocence, as if having no idea who she's talking about.



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